Chapter 31: It Is What It Is

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"Stubborn as me? Maybe not, but you're close to it."

Song: Time ~ NF


31. It Is What It Is

"I don't get it, what does she have that I don't?"

A couple of us were in the kitchen talking, right after spying on Cathy as she talked to Jacob, Shawn, and Austin. The girl had a charm I tell you, I didn't understand it either.

I rubbed Liam's shoulder. "She's got nothing on you my friend."

He huffed. "Then why am I not in the center of attention? Also, she made Jacob forget my ice cream. That, is unforgivable."

I chuckled softly. I knew he was trying to dislike her for me...or maybe he was really annoyed at the ice cream thing. With Liam, you never knew.

"You guys are being ridiculous," Jess remarked. "You're overthinking things."

"Am I?" I asked. "Because I think I'm thinking about it like it needs to be thought about."

After we met her in the store, the walk home was more than annoying. If I didn't know what a third wheel felt like, well that day was my day. Everybody loved her, well mainly the other two guys and Tess because they already knew each other. Liam told her he was taking his initial smile back once he found out she was the reason he didn't have ice cream. Either way, she spent all day everyday since she'd been here hogging Jacob. I didn't like it at all. Was I just being jealous?

Yes, yes I was.

"Shay, relax," Khalan told me. "Jess is right, just stay calm."

Renée snorted. "Yeah, says the girl who almost had a mini stroke when she joked about sitting on Shawn's lap the other night when we were watching a movie."

Khalan's lips formed a thin sarcastic smile. "That wasn't a stroke, that was me getting ready to bash her head into a block of concrete."

I laughed and Jess looked at her.

"What happened to 'relax' ?"

Khalan shrugged. "Hey, I've gone through that once, I'm not going through it again."

"Well at least you're starting to get it," I muttered.

"I'm with Jess on this one," Renée said, pouring the smoothie she had made in the blender into a glass.

"Thank you," Jess told her. "She's actually a nice person."

"I guess," Liam shrugged. "I mean, she did tell me she'd take me to get ice cream later to make it up to me."

Renée's head snapped up. "She told you what now?"

"Yeah, she said it'd just be the two of us," Liam continued.

The smile on Renée's face dwindled completely. "Yeah, this bitch gotta go."

"Immediately," I added.

"You guys are ridiculous," Jess said with a slight shake of her head.

Tess walked in in her pajamas yawning, and I jumped at the opportunity to ask her.

"Tess! You know her, should I be worried?"

"Huh? What? Good morning," she said somewhat alarmed.

"It's twelve fifteen in the afternoon," Khalan chuckled.

"Exactly," Tess groaned. "Still too early to function. What's up?"

"Jess thinks I'm overreacting about Cathy and Jacob. Should I not?" I asked.

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