The death

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You stop in your tracks and turns around you see the maid from this morning on the floor bleeding you look at Max pointing the gun at you with tears in your eyes. You put Elizabeth behind you "if I can't have you no one will". Max says gritting his teeth. Michael gets in front of you and says "leave my wife and daughter alone".

Max then points the gun at Michael and asks "why should i"? You walk in front of Michael then BANG! You close your eyes and stands still until you feel a hand on your shoulder you stiffen up you cry and say "you killed my husband you son of a bit-".

You turn around and see Michael standing there completely fine you feel relieved you get unstiffened you hug him and cry he hugs you Elizabeth comes to you and hugs you Michael picks her up you turn around and sees max on the floor bleeding. You see Michael's men come in and handles the situation Michael grabs your hand while holding Elizabeth and takes you to his room you go inside and lay down Michael puts Elizabeth to bed.

Michael comes out while closing the door quietly he gets in bed he turns on his side and looks at the back of you "(Y/n) what were you doing"? He asks concerned. You turn on your side and looks at him "I was getting something to drink why"? You ask confused. He pulls you close to his chest and says "when I heard you screaming I thought I was going to loose you until I saw you come running out i was relieved".

You look at him more confused and asks "what"? He runs his fingers through your hair and puts a strand behind your ear saying "when I heard you screaming I thought I was having a nightmare until I woke up and saw you gone and then when I heard you scream again everything in my body sprung into action and my heart dropped I felt like I was going to lose everything I can't lose you because if I do loose you I loose myself".

You put your hand on his chest and looks up into his eyes and says "I understand I promise I know every time something like this happens you have told me over the years I know your just trying to protect me besides you will never loose me ok". He kisses you, you kiss him he says "ok".

You lay back on his chest and falls asleep Michael kisses your head and puts his head on yours and falls asleep. You wake up the next morning you look at Michael sleeping you turn around and sees a man in the room he has brown hair with brown eyes you scream "MICHAEL WAKE UP"! Michael wakes up he grabs his gun from under his pillow he points it at the man and asks "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU"?

Michael gets out of bed and walks over to the man lowering the gun he laughs and says "baby it's my older brother". They both laugh the guy hands his hand out for you to shake it and says "I'm Felix sorry for scaring you". You cross your arms across your chest and gives them both a scowl and says "I'm gonna get you back Michael you just wait". You look at Felix and shakes his hand you say "I'm (Y/n) his wife".

Felix scuffles and says "this is your wife damn honey you went after my younger brother". Michael says "I'm the second oldest just because your the oldest of me and our sister Mary doesn't mean anything". You get out of bed and walks to the wardrobe you get clothes out you go into the bathroom and change you come out Michael asks "you ok"? You ask "yes why wouldn't I be"?

Felix chuckles and says "maybe she's changing her mind about who she's being with because your the middle child". You walk to Felix and says angrily "I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH BEING MARRIED TO YOUR BROTHER I DONT CARE IF HE'S THE YOUNGEST, AGE IS JUST A NUMBER WHERE'S YOUR WIFE AT HUH OH THAT'S RIGHT YOU PROBABLY DON'T HAVE ONE BECAUSE YOUR A JACKASS AND DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SHUT UP AND DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO STOP HITTING ON OTHER WOMAN"! Michael grabs you and pins you to the wall "CALM DOWN"! He yells raising his voice a bit.

Felix explains "nah don't worry about it she's right and the other reason why I dont have a girl is maybe because oh I don't know SHE GOT KILLED ON A JOB I HAD HER DO BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE UNDERCOVER AND WHEN SHE SAW THINGS IT GOT OVERWHELMING THAT SHE FREAKED OUT AND SHE BLOWN HER COVER WHEN I RAN IN THERE I SAW HER GET SHOT IN FRONT OF ME"! Michael let's you go you feel guilty for what you said you look at him scared and say "sorry I was just getting mad because you were saying and doing the things you were doing I was getting tired of it I didn't know".

Felix walks over to you and says "it's ok I should've told you". He hugs you, you get confused you hug him back you shake the confusion and says "I wish I had a brother as comforting and protecting as you to be honest". He looks at you smiling and says "yeah our sister isn't the sweetest me and Michael both wished for a new sister but that didn't happen sooooo we were stuck with her".

You laugh and say "Michael you never told me that you didn't like your sister". Michael walks over to you laughing nervously and says "yeah ummmm she wasn't a very sweet and innocent girl she was rude, mean and a very bad girl so yeah we had a rough childhood when she was around". You hug Michael he hugs you with relief you feel he's tightening his grip on you, you look up at Michael and says "uhhh your hurting me".

He lets loose and says "sorry I got caught up in the moment". You smile at him and says "it's ok". You go in Elizabeth's room and sees Elizabeth missing in her bed you run out and says "SHE'S GONE"! Michaels face goes pale white with terror on his face. You run out of the room you go in the hallway until you see a girl holding her you run down the hall and you turn the girl around and says "give me my daught-". Michael snatches Elizabeth out of the woman's arms and gives her to you, Michael says "go to my brother I got this".

You walk down the hall a little, you look at Elizabeth and asks "did she hurt you are you ok"? Elizabeth cries and asks "mommy I'm fine but daddy ain't gonna leave us is he"? You look confused and asks "no he ain't but what one earth made you think that"? She points at the lady and says "she told me".

You see Michael talking to her you start to walk over until Felix grabs your arm and says "don't do it she is a woman you don't wanna mess with she will try to do anything and everything to make sure your dead trust me". You look at him confused and asks "what are you talking about and why is Michael talking to her the way he is"? Felix takes you to Michael's room and says "she is Michael's ex and she's the one that killed my girl".

You ask "why would she kill your girl if she was happy with Michael"? Felix says "she killed my girl because she liked me and wanted me she was basically using Michael to get closer to me and when I found out what she wanted we stayed clear from her and if you introduce yourself I have a feeling she won't like you as much". You get more confused and says "but I'm with Michael I thought she wants you".

Felix explains "she does but if I die she can always go to my brother and she can't do that if Michael is taken she basically wants us because of what we are and what we do". You begin to cry and asks "Michael is gonna choose her over me isn't he"? Felix looks at you and says "I don't know if he still has love for her or not, all I know is he does love you".

You then get up and see Elizabeth sleeping you walk in her room and lays her down you go in your room and sees Michael standing there you close Elizabeth's door quietly Michael looks at you and says "I'm sorry". You look confused and asks "about what"? He takes his ring off and hands it over you get overwhelmed with tears in your eyes and looks around your vision gets blurry, sounds get muffled, it gets fuzzy you then get dizzy and pass out.

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