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You stand there puzzled, guilty, and most of all shocked Jake asks "have you missed me"? You don't say anything he says "I'm talking to you do you not hear me". You say in French "Va te faire foutre". Translation: fuck off. Jake says in French "Arrêter". Translation: stop.

You say in French "Non, tu as ma famille, je ne suis plus d'avis. Translation: no you have my family I don't go by your rules anymore. Jake gets angry and says in English "you will go by my rules". You yell "NO I WON'T"! Jake smirks and asks "does your husband know about your past"? You then feel more guilt you say in French "Non, je ne veux pas parler de mon passé non plus. Translation: No he doesn't I don't want to talk about my past either.

Jake chuckles and says "what you can speak English just tell him or I will". You get frustrated you turn around you look at the ground you say "Michael this is my brother". Michael asks "what"? You say "this is my brother he took over my father's business when he died". Jake says "tell him the business". You start to tear up you say "my father wasn't in the military he was in the French mafia".

You then get scared you then shyly look up at him you look at his eyes and sees him getting mad "why didn't you tell me"? He asks clenching his fist with his knuckles turning white you explain "because I was scared I didn't know you when you took me and when things went differently between us I thought not to tell you because Jake swore to my father he would never see me again".

Michael looks down at the ground you say "I'm sorry I thought my past was behind me but I guess not". Jake says "you should've told him". You hyperventilate and says "yo-yo-you shou-shou-should have ne-ev-er came back". Jake asks "what's happening"? Michael yells "LET GO OF ME I HAVE TO HELP HER"!

Jake motions his guard to let go of him you back up into something Michael grabs your hand he says "shhhhhh I'm right here". You hug him tightly and cries into his chest and says "I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't leave me". He hugs you back he puts his hand on your head pushing your head closer to his chest.

He says "I'm not leaving I'm not going anywhere I'm just a little mad that you didn't tell me but I understand I would've probably done the same". You calm down he lets go of your head you look up at him and says "I love you". He says "I love you to".

Jake then says "just like that your gonna forgive her". Michael says "I don't wanna lose her I understand her reasoning I love her nothing is gonna change that". Jake sighs and says "I forgot about her overwhelming condition".

Michael let's go of you and asks "why of all these years you come back into her life kidnap her family and discuss about her past"? Jake puts his hands in his pockets and says "we need her she is my sister and I can't do most of the stuff I wanna do without her".

You say rudely "you have been doing it for what 9-10 years without me you can do the rest without me". Jake asks "why are you being this way"? You ask "really were gonna go there"? He asks "go where"?

You explain "I didn't wanna see you and I was fine without you in my life the other reason why am like this is because growing up you would get everything and then I ask dad for the job and guess what he says we can't have a girl doing it, girls are weak and will get caught up in emotions but yet I killed four people today without hesitation not only that but I was tired of you bossing me around so I got sick and tired of you getting everything I ended up leaving and going with someone but he was bad and Michael helped me not only that but who was there when dad died it wasn't you that's for damn sure".

Jake looks at you and says "all that is true but you would be doing the same things as I and the one reason we didn't have you get the job was because of your overwhelming condition". You say "wrong big brother I would not be bossing you around yeah I might ask you to do a few things but I wouldn't say do this do that and you only have a certain amount of time to do it and I would be doing things differently".

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