Chapter 2: Morning part 2

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(Hey y'all! So this is Missy's POV of Addison's morning! I did Zoey last chapter but Addi has no siblings soo... also I was grounded so sorry for the wait!)


"Addison! You're gonna be late! Hurry up in there!"

I yell for Addison, she's been in that bathroom for ages!

"Addison don't make me come up there!"

I yell again, I swear that girl doesn't hear a word that comes out of my mouth. I walk up the stairs... I hear Addison talking to herself... about her wig? I admit, that's kind of strange, but she's late for school so I have no time to wonder what she's doing.

"Addison hurry up!"

I yell as I walk back down the stairs. After about 5 minutes Addison comes running down the stairs

"Cheer tryouts today!"

I cheer as she sits down

"Cheer tryouts today!"

Dale echoes

"I am way fired up!"

Addison smiles, I start explaining to her how important this is

"Addison, you know that Seabrook's won every cheer championship since....

Dale echoes, again


"But now that city council's having our zombies in our schools... we need cheer more than ever."

I continue

"Cheer more than ever."

Dale whispers



I scream, enthusiastically

"Beseech me?"

"Really, Mom?"

Addison laughs

"I get.... that was, um...."

I stutter

"Yeah, Missy, that was a bit much"

Dale says

"A bit much, I failed at that.."

I admit,

"Nothing's gonna stop you, Addison"

Dale assures her,

"As long as you keep that wig on!"

I add

" oh yes, of course. As long as you keep that wig on."

Dale corrects

"Honey? It's time."

I say, and prepare myself for our little tradition on first days of school,


I squeal,

"Go team!"

Addison and I cheer,

"Go team!"

Dale joins in, delayed


So this wasn't as good as Zoey's but next chapter'll be a bit better... I might skip 'My Year' and skip to the Zombie safe room scene. I was grounded for 2 weeks so this was really delayed... sorry... I hope you like it! I can't really think like an adult (since I'm not one) so I feel like Zoey's was definitely better... anyways this is getting too long...


- Fernanda Silvestre

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