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7 months later
I don't know how long has passed but it is well beyond 5-6 months at the very least. Now you must be wondering, what have I accomplished in these months? Well. I did a lot of things. I compressed the energy by a tiny margin but progress was progress and I have nothing but time and time on my hands.

My circuit of energy takes 12 counts less than when I first started and I am no where near as tired as I used to be when I started. I still fainted after 8 rounds but it was a massive improvement.

The circulation also means my senses were enhanced from hearing nothing to hearing a bunch of sounds that sound like animal gibberish  spewed under water. Still I am getting closer and closer to .....birth?!!! That is not something I am looking forwards too.

I managed to learn one more thing about my energy. I can kind of, mentally affect myself. Why kind of? because I have no idea if that's because I was reborn with a higher processing power or because of the energy but I access almost all of my memories after age 7. Also my processing power is a bit higher, not much but I can do algebra in my mind without problems.
Anyways I have approx 2-4 months of floating left to do until the dreaded but welcome day.

2 Months Later

I will spare you the surprisingly gory details of birth. There was soo much blood and so many tears. Anyways the first thing I saw was a blurry white/grey area which looked like a out of focus camera. There was also so many different lights and my eyes feel like they were burning and I could feel my lungs streching and getting used to breathing in such different conditions.

No wonder babies cry, I am barely able to keep from cursing out-loud, not that I can speak but still. It took a few minutes for me too be able to see without a burning sensation in my eyes but everything was still blurred a lot.

I got handed to someone else and I felt a weird pull on my skin that lasted for a second but after that I realized the my skin no longer felt wet. I was handed back to another person.

I was able to open my eyes and I saw that I was in the arms of a woman with almost fire like red hair with sparkling green eyes that looked like emeralds. I couldn't make out any other features due to the blurriness but the first person who came to mind with that combination was jean grey but I discarded that when I heard a few words being spoken.

"My little one. You look so cute. Your name should be Henry, like grandpa but James insists on Hadrian. I just hope our little family can be happy unlike my own one. I will definitely to my best to raise you."

She sounded tired and sad at the middle but also immensely happy near the end and She cleared all my doubts about where I am. I am in the Harry Potter universe. As the MC no less. That is both an extremely good thing but at the same time, a terrible thing. I could rant about that but I was interrupted by the appearance of my father.

"IS that my son? Are you ok lily?"

"Yes and yes. He is gonna be such a gentleman when he grows up."

"He looks so cute. He will definitely be a lady ki-"

He was interrupted from a one handed finger flick to the forehead by lily. James put his hand on his forehead like a little child while lily just grinned and said

"I won't let you corrupt our innocent little child."

James expression turned to betrayal as he said.



"But the legacy of the marauders?"

This time he put up a puppy face. At least that's what I think it was.

"Our son will be a responsible person who will only prank those who deserve it. I still remeber when you bullied innocent hufflepuffs."

"Come on lily, that was years ago. Plus I apologized and never made that mistake again."

This time a woman in some weird white clothing that I couldn't make out the shape of entered the room and spoke out loud

"Mr and Mrs Potter. I would recommend that both the child and Mrs lily take rest and recover."

"Yes Lily, we can talk about this later ok."

"Fine, but you are not naming him."


The woman only raised her eyebrows as she said


James turned a bit paler as he put his hand on my moms mouth and performed a shushing motion

"I get it. I get it. Just don't tell anyone else."

I could she her smirk before the nurse woman swooped in and took me into her arms and carried me over to a room filled with babies. Just as I was placed into a crib, I heard a baby start crying a few rows over from me and absolute pandemonium broke out as every single baby started to cry at the top of their lungs as I was trying to think of strategies and contingencies for each character and back up plans for if they turned out to be evil or hypocritical morons

This is gonna be a long day. A very long day.

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