Baby days

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I Year later

Currently, I am sitting in the library of our house reading the tales of beedle bard. It has been one full year since my birth and I have had a lot of fun and a lot of progress regarding my magical abilities. But lets go through it chronologically.

First of all, I spent a few days with my father before he left for important work and he would only be present for a few days out of a month. It was probably the Order of Phoenix. But my Mother spent a lot of time with me, she read me stories and legends from the past. She also told me muggle stories mixed in with magical bedtimes tales.

She found out that little Harry had a preference for magical stories because if the tale of 3 brothers can be true, why can't any of these stories be true? Even if they weren't outright true and exaggerated, they would still be based in magic. Also I only knew a limited number of spells and spells and their incantation were mentioned a lot in magical tales.

Second of all, I managed to perform basic magic wandlessly but it out a lot of stress on my magical circuits and my mana(energy will be called as mana). I can see why wizards would not teach magic to their children early on due to this. It may even be harmful for them to perform magic incorrectly. Also my spell was a small lumos that was as dim as light got and it only lasted for one moment, but it was progress.

I fell asleep much earlier than usual because I was more tired from the exhaustive magic but from that night onwards, every night I would practice as many spells as I could before succumbing to sleep. After each time, I would feel better and by now I could perform 14-15 spells before raining but I usually didn't push myself all the time and gave my body time to rest and recover.

During the day I would circulate my magic through the pathways to enhance my growth and body while practicing magic in secret.

Third of all, I was able to meet Sirius The Godfather before we went into hiding. I was unable to meet the rat but I did get to know that he would visit us within this month.

Fourth of all, I started walking at an astonishing 5 months old.  It was an intresting process considering that I had no balance and my center of gravity was so high. I also learned to speak at 9 months old. My vocal cords where hard to manipulate into sounds and I had no muscle memory so I was stuck using baby language for the foreseeable future.

Mom told me that most magical babies walk around their 7th to their 14 month mark and most children's walking age was used as a crude measuring stick for magical talent and I can see why. Also it was unheard of for any baby to start speaking before their first birthday though there were legends that said Merlin himself could talk with dragons when he was 11 months old.

See, the stronger your magical circuits are, the faster you develop. So if you are able to walk first, common sense would say that you are magically more talented. So any worries about me being non-magical vanished faster than Epstein after getting exposed.

Fifth and finally, I managed to achieve basic occulmency by meditating while waiting for my magic to recover. I could access my memories from my past life and I focused mostly on retaining all of my Harry Potter knowledge along with other fandoms just incase I existed in a crossover or an AU.

"Harry dear what are you doing?"

"Wreadint." Uggh, not being able to speak is a bit of a woozy but it is ten times better than having to pretend to improve at a gradual pace.

Lily walked into the room with her hair tied back and a basket of clothes in her hand.

"Aww, is my little man learning to read? Tell me what are you reading? Also lunch is in 10 minutes"

I just gave her a goofy smile as I held up the cover of the book I was reading. It said "Tales of beedle the bard"

"Do you even know how to read? Tell me what are you thinking"

"Mr.Doggy taught me. Mom, can I ask you a que..qustian?"

"It is a question dear. Sure ask away"

"Why you using a basket when you can use magic and wand?"

Within a second, Lily's face turned to shock and embarrassment. She replied with a bit of a blush

"Well I guess it is just a habit of mine. Even James pointed that out but I guess you are like your dad."

"Don't worry mommy, I still said your name first. Reme..remeber?"

"Yes. And I won the bet, thanks to you little cutie pie"

"Mom, betting is not good. Betting bad. Mr. doggy told me that betting was very bad."

"Ok ok. Now come on. Let's have lunch"

We had lunch and we fell into the routine we usually followed. I read any of the books that I could get my cute little baby hands on while mom did the chores by hand for some reason and the ending of the day was spent together as she taught me basic English and magic theory because I bugged her to hell and back to teach me. She actually thought that I would be unable to do anything with it becuase I didn't have a wand.

As if such a thing would stop me. And lily found her son sitting in the library reading the first year charms books. He looked really cute with his tamed and smooth brown hair and sparklingly emerald green eyes and his cute little sky blue onesie.

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