Chapter 1

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Minerva sat at her desk tiredly grading her papers from the day before. Though she would never admit it to anyone, Minerva was going downhill. She had not resting enough, was working too much, and hardly ever ate. She wore glamours and drank energy potions to hide her declining health.
But she hadn't fooled everyone. Albus had been keeping tabs on her, watching her push her food around at meals, keeping track of how late she stayed in her classroom working, keeping an eye on her, even checking in with Madam Pomfrey. He had finally decided that he would give her a week to get her act together. Well, her week was up.
On his way to her classroom Albus contemplated how he was going to tell his wife that she quite simply wasn't taking care of herself. When he arrived at her classroom he knocked softly before entering. Minerva gazed up at him over her glasses, "oh, hello Albus. What can I do for you?" She asked in her kindest tone. Well, he thought to himself, you could take care of yourself so we didn't have to have this conversation. "There's something we need to discuss Minerva. Would you mind joining me in our quarters for a cup of tea?" Minerva looked up at him in confusion. "is something wrong Albus?"
"Nothing that can't be remedied my dear" he said kindly and reached his hand out to help her up. She took the offered hand and allowed him to help her stand up. Though she was loathe to admit it she really did need the help. Even just standing up was an effort for her.
They made their way back to Albus' office in silence, Minerva hurrying her stride slightly to keep up with Albus' long legs. After a few minutes of this Minerva had to ask Albus to slow down a bit for her. Albus looked back at Minerva in concern, she was breathing heavily and they were only halfway to their.
"Minerva, do you need to stop and rest for a bit?" Albus asked kindly.
"No, no!" Minerva said quickly. "I'm quite fine!"
Unconvinced, Albus offered Minerva his arm without a word. She hesitated a moment and then took it, looking at him gratefully. The rest of their walk was much easier for Minerva, having Albus to lean on made all the difference for her weak body.
When they made it to their rooms Ablus helped Minerva onto the couch, he could see she was much frailer than he had originally thought.
"Tea, Minerva?" He asked sitting down across from her.
"Um, y-yes... Thank you Albus" she said slightly flustered.
Albus called for a house elf, who promptly appeared with a tray of tea and biscuits. Minerva became impatient as Albus took his time pouring the tea.
"Albus I believe you wanted to discuss something with me" she said, beginning to get impatient
"Yes, yes." Albus replied ignoring his wife's tone.
"I know that you are... Having some trouble" he'd suddenly lost all his courage. He didn't want to upset her.
"I don't know what you mean Albus"
Albus sighed heavily. "Minerva..." He began gently. "you aren't taking care of yourself like you need to."
Minerva was in shock. She'd been careful not to show any signs of her struggle. But apparently, not careful enough. "Albus I don't know what you're talking about" she lied swiftly.
"Minerva... Dear Minerva. Please, don't try to hide this from me. I've spoken to Poppy. She said you've lost a severe amount of weight, that you never rest, you're wearing glamours to cover you're condition. And that at your last mandatory check up you practically begged her to keep it a secret."
Tears filled Minerva's eyes. Her hands were shaking and she was struggling to breathe normally. It was over. Albus knew, he would probably force her to quit working since she clearly wasn't able to handle it anymore.
"Minerva... I need to remove the glamours, may I?"
Minerva choked down a sob. "Albus please. Please don't. I don't think I can bare for you to see. You'll hate me."
"I could never hate you Minerva dear. I only want what's best for you." He slid his wand out of his pocket and with a whispered spell removed the glamours from his wife. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight in front of him. Minerva was in a much worse condition than he had imagined. Her cheeks were sunken, and he eyes showed dark circles, even under the robes he could tell she had lost more weight than was safe. Without a word he stood up and lifted Minerva to her feet. He began unbuttoning her outer robes, but got no farther than the second button when Minerva grabbed his hands. "Albus no. Please. You can't." She pleaded with him. Albus noticed how her skin clung to the bones in her hands. Gently, he took her hands, moved them down to her sides, and continued unbuttoning the long green robes. He slid the robes off of her and noticed immediately how her collar bone jutted out against her dress. He turned her around and gazed at the sharp shape of her shoulder blades. Tears pricked his eyes, he couldn't believe he'd let this happen. Silently, gently he turned Minerva towards him and folded her tight in his arms. Her sobs broke through and she returned the embrace, sobbing her apologies and begging to be forgiven. It took him quite a while to calm her down. He sat her back down on the couch and gently stroked her back. When she was calmed down he spoke. "Tabby dear, tell me what happened, please. Tell me what it is that's done this to you" his voice was pleading. "Albus I can't" she cried "I'm so ashamed!" Albus begged her to tell him until it became clear that they would get no where tonight.
"Tabby," he started slowly. "in all our years of marriage I don't believe I've ever ordered you to do anything... But make no mistake. This is not a request, it is a command." His voice grew firm. "you will take the day off tomorrow. And immediately after breakfast you will come with me to see Poppy. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Albus" came the whispered reply. Though she had no real intention of seeing Poppy in the morning.
"Alright." He kissed her gently. First on the forehead, then her cheek, then lightly brushing her lips. Minerva whimpered in response. She didn't feel like she deserved the affection he was showing her. "come Tabby, it's time you got some rest. Minerva put her glamours back on. Refusing to let Albus see right now just how bad the rest of her looked. He allowed it only because he knew he would see everything in the morning when he took her to Poppy.
Minerva slept the best she had in a long time. Wrapped in her husband's strong embrace she fell into a sweet, deep, dreamless sleep.

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