chapter 2

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The next morning Minerva left breakfast early in what she knew would be a futile attempt at dodging her husband. Albus gazed after her, but simply assumed that she would be going to get ready to see Poppy.
When breakfast was over Albus made his way back to their quarters to retrieve Minerva. He was beyond shocked when she was not in her room getting ready. He headed to the hospital wing, in more of a hurry now. Maybe she had gone there without him?
"Poppy?" He called as he opened the door. "yes Albus?" Poppy asked appearing around the corner.
"Is Minerva here already?"
"Why no" Poppy said in surprise. "She flooed me and said that you had changed your mind and that everything was fine. Though judging by the look on your face I guess it's not fine..." She said, her voice dropping at the end.
"Not by a long shot. I will back as soon as I find her."
He searched for another 15 minutes before he found her, in her classroom in the middle of a class. He was fuming. He strode to the desk, turned to the students and announced. "class is dismissed. In fact, you will have no transfiguration classes for the rest of this week." The students didn't wait to be told twice. They filed out quickly, speaking in whispers about what it might mean.
When the last student had left the room Albus shut the door and went back to his wife at the desk. She didn't make sure contact, simply stared at the desk in front of her. Albus let out a deep sigh and reached his hand out to her. "get up Tabby." Without a word she took his hand and stood up, allowing him to support her fragile frame.
"Would you care to explain yourself? You've never been so disrespectful to me before and I'd like a good reason." He spoke firmly, but gently. Minerva looked up at him with tears in her eyes "Al I can't do it. I just can't... Please, please don't make me." She was begging now, pleading. If Poppy looked too closely she would know. There would be no more hiding it, no more pretending it never happened. Albus took her arm and led her from the room. "come on Minerva, let's go. I'm sorry, but this is what's best for you."
They made their way to the hospital wing in silence, Albus had to keep his pace slow for Minerva to keep up. Poppy was waiting for them when they arrived.
"Let's use the back room, it will give us more privacy." She said leading them to the back. Albus had to put his hand on Minerva's back and lead her to the room. He noticed she was shaking badly. When they were safely in the back room with the door closed he leaned down and whispered, "it's alright, Tabby. I'm right here." And reached down and have her a loving squeeze.
"Alright" Poppy began gently. "Minerva dear I need you strip down to your underwear."
Minerva's eyes widened in horror and she looked up at Albus pleadingly. Not only did she despise the idea of allowing herself to be examined naked but she wasn't sure she was physically able to undress without help. So, she shook her head stubbornly. Albus sighed and spoke in a tired voice. "Poppy, could you give us a moment, please?"
"Of course Albus, come and get me when you're ready" she smiled at them sadly and left the room, closing the door behind her.
When Albus spoke again his tone was firm. "Minerva Gayle undress yourself this instant" Minerva flinched at the sound of her full name. Albus so rarely used it. She stared at the floor stubbornly and shook her head. Frustrated, Albus took her by the chin and forced her to look at him, noticing for the first time that her eyes were wide with terror. He wrapped her in his arms and whispered in her ear. "Tabby, my sweet Tabby... How about this. I'll help you undress, and I will not, unless you ask me to, ever leave your side. Deal?"
He waited for a moment as she considered his words. "I... I can try..." She said quietly. "That's all I ask love" he kissed her forehead gently and began. First he removed the glamours covering her skin, then quickly unbuttoned her outer robes and slid them from her shoulders. Minerva shivered, cold without the protection of her outer layers, but said nothing. Albus continued, turning her around, unfastening her dress and helping her slip out of her dress and shoes. Minerva felt freezing and humiliated standing in merely her bra and knickers. She wrapped her arms around herself and tried to hide her body.
Albus gazed at her sadly. He had never seen her like this before. All he could see was her back, but he looked at the way her skin hugged her bones and how pale she was. His eyes travelled down her body till he noticed her legs and let out a shocked gasp. "Minerva! Y-your legs. What happened?!" The frail woman in front of him was covered in bruises all along the back of her thighs. He turned her around and realized it wasn't just her legs. Her breasts and stomach too were varying shades of purple and black.
Minerva said nothing, only turned away from him in shame. Realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere with her right now Albus dropped the subject only long enough to go get Poppy. This was something he was going to need back up for...

Tune in to the next chapter to find out what happened to Minerva!!
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Minerva's Road To RecoveryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon