Chapter 4

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This might just be the first and final time I will post on time haha. Enjoy the excitement and nerves of the very first race of the season! 

First race weekend
Bahrain International Circuit

Feature Race

"Dad!" Marylinde put her arms tightly around her father's shoulders as she watched him enter the formula two paddock.

"Hey there, baby girl." He kissed Marylinde's forehead. "Getting ready for the race already?" Marylinde was already clad in her racing suit, her hair in two braids.

"Yeah, want to be as prepared as I can be. I want to leave nothing to chance."

"You'll do great. Even though missing out on a second run, you'll start sixteenth." Her father said it with such enthusiasm that it almost sounded like sixteenth was a good result. It wasn't however. With twenty-two drivers on the grid sixteenth was bad. It meant there were only six people behind her and fifteen in front of her. "I know you can overtake. Don't start doubting yourself." Marylinde knew her father was going to say something along those lines. Her mother had probably told him to say it.

"Either way, I am happy you are here, dad." With his arm around Marylinde's shoulder, father and daughter walked to the Prema trailer where Mick was talking to an engineer. They had witnessed Marylinde sprinting away minutes prior and though Mick had an idea to why; he didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Mister Magnussen." He said, as polite as always.

"Please Mick, Kasper."

"I'm sorry, Kasper." Mick laughed as he shook Kasper's hand.

"It's great seeing you again, it's been a while." Marylinde noticed what was going on, her father would be stuck talking with Mick for a while. Or maybe more accurate, Mick would be stuck talking with Kasper for a while. She quietly slipped away and continued getting ready for the race. "Peter."

"Kasper." The two hugged and Marylinde chuckled. It had been a while since her father had been in the atmosphere of a race due to the coronavirus and it seemed like he was excited the wait was over. Marylinde shook her head.

"Dad, if you don't mind, I need him for my warming up."

"Right." Kasper immediately stepped aside so Peter could pass him. "I will see you three later." Mick, Peter and Marylinde smiled at Kasper. "Where can I find Kevin?"

"Why don't I get you there?" Freja winked, she had been standing on the side but stepped forward now. "It's not far but it can be quite the maze around here."

"Thank you, Freja." Kasper put his arm around the girl and together they left.

"I'm going to look for my trainer." That left only Peter and Marylinde.


"As ready as I'll ever be." Marylinde took off her watch and placed it in the trailer. "Let's go." With a spring in her step, they walked out of the Prema facility. Peter made her do some exercises in which she stretched her muscles, got her blood pumping and her reactions up to speed. All in all, it took thirty minutes and afterwards Marylinde felt a little bit more ready.

"How are you feeling now?" It was sometimes annoying to Marylinde how well Peter and Freja knew her. They were able to look right through her. Then again, they were some of the people who knew her best apart from her family.

"A lot better." She smiled before putting her arms around her trainer. "Thank you for putting up with me."

"Always Mary, you know that. You have us for anything." Marylinde nodded and took the things she and Peter had used for the warming up and handed them to him. "Now all that is left is the race." Marylinde huffed.

Last Man Standingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें