Bad News Travels Fast

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Lane's POV

It's been over a week and she still hasn't improved. She still lies in that big  bed. Every tube connected to her lifeless body is helping her stay alive. Everyday the doctors come in hoping for a sign, but there is nothing.  Todays the day. The day she will leave us and join her family. They say it's the best thing for her. To let her go.

"Are you ready?" The doctor asks coming into her room. "No." I say looking at her. How did we end up here. "Sir we really need to turn the machines off." The doctor states like it's nothing. I get up out of my chair and head over to her bed. "Hey baby I know you probably can't hear me but if you can. We are sorry we failed you. I'm sorry I failed you. I should have told you the truth but I didn't want to hurt you and now look. Mum and Travis couldn't be here they just can't handle it. But they love you we all do. Your now free baby girl." I cry laying my head on her chest as the doctor turns her machines off.

The only noise in her little room is a constant beep. "She is gone now." The doctor says putting a hand on my shoulder. "I lost her ages ago." I mumble. I grab my phone and call Mum. She answers first ring. She knows what I'm calling about. Her screams fill the room. "Mum she is gone. I'm sorry." I cry. "Where did she go? You have to go get her Lane." Mateo's voice makes me yell out in frustration.

"Mateo buddy. Riley is never coming back. She just went to heaven." I whisper not wanting to hear the words leave my mouth. "Don't cry guys. She is okay she is coming home. She is just tricking us." Mateo say confident that she is coming home. "Mateo remember how granny went to sleep and how she was never waking back up. Riley went to live with granny." Travis says.

I hang up the phone getting up to go wash my face. I hear the door open. "I thought you would come." I say not turning around already knowing who it is. "How did you know it was me?" He questions. "Cause you are the one that got her into this. She should never have come here. If she didn't she would have been safe." I yell out spinning around to face him. "No don't blame this on me. You should never have told her. It's all of your faults. Actually it's yours. If she never fell for you she wouldn't be dead." He yells back.

The nurses run in seeing what is going on. "Please keep it down or we will have to call security." One says giving us dirty looks. "I'm sorry." I say looking at the ground. I hear the door close I look up to see they have all left. I quickly grab my phone and call Travis. "He is heading your way." I say before hanging up.

Travis's POV

"Okay guys you all know what to do." I say throwing the bullet proof vests out. "So let me get this straight. They will come here and we are going to arrest them." James says firmly. "Yeah but don't be afraid to shot!" I yell out with rage. "Right." He says putting his vest on.

"Okay James and Parker you two go to the front gate and keep out of sight." I bark out. They nod taking off. "Jenny you are in the barn." I say handing her a shot gun. She takes off going to get into position. "Vada take the kids and get out of here. Go to Lane and Riley." I say giving them all a kiss saying goodbye.

"Please be careful honey. You know I don't like this one bit. Maybe you should call the police and get them out here. You know what they done to Riley's family." Vada says worried. "It's okay. Love you." I say seeing them off. I head back into the house and pour myself a stiff drink.

"What are you doing here." I spit out. "Oh I think you know why." Tom says taking a seat. "No please tell me?" I question him passing him a glass. "Cause Travis you were meant to protect her not get her killed." Tom mumbles out. "I can't protect her from everything you should know that." I say filling my drink up.

"You can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Your pick Tom." I say looking him dead in the eyes. "Travis I don't know what you are talking about." Tom says looking confused. "You are the one behind it all. You had her family murdered. And you have been pretending this whole time to actually care about her." I yell snapping my hand on the table making my glass fall off the table shattering. "What no I would never do that. You know me Travis I would never have hurt them. They were my only family." Tom yells back.

"James said he heard you talking about how to finish the job." I say confused. "James? Wait James Heart. Her step brother?" Tom questions looking worried. I nod, unsure why he is asking. "Travis where is he?" Tom asks jumping up out of his seat.



Two gun shots ring out in the distance. "You!" I yell out jumping on Tom pinning him on the ground. "Travis I'm here by myself. Where is James!" Tom yells out pushing me off. "Out the front dead. You had your team kill him and Parker!" I yell jumping up punching him in the jaw.

My phone rings, I grab it making sure to keep Tom pinned down while I tie his hands and feet. I put it on speaker. "Travis she is gone." Lane's voice rings out. "Yeah I know!" I yell out annoyed. "No she is gone she left!" Lane yells back. "See she has worked it out before you guys did." Tom spits out.

Riley's POV.

The noise rings out in my ears. I drop the gun shocked at what I've just done. "Riley help me." I hear his faint voice call out. I rush over to his side he is bleeding. It's all over him, his chest is covered in blood. I scream out for help. I put pressure on the wound trying to stop it from bleeding anymore. But there is just to much blood. " I'm sorry. I so sorry." I cry putting my head on his head my tears run down like a river. "No please stay with me!" I shake him to keep him from closing his eyes.
"Please don't go. I love you." I mumble out.

"Help me! Please! Anyone!"

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