"Oh right... Good luck, Winger." -Voilet

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(A/N) Get ready theres gonna be some drama!
3rd persons P.O.V-

While Aggro was deep in thought about Cutter, Winger had his mind on other things. Things like what should he do about his crush on Voilet?

Winger's P.O.V-

Maybe I should ask someone what to do. Summer? Or Leyla? I mean there both girls. Maybe they'll have a way for me to impress her. I would ask Aggro but she seems... preoccupied. Like she likes Dash now? It's obvious that Cutters jealous but of course Aggro is the only one that doesn't notice. Now the love triangle is so bad that Cutters ignoring Aggro. I know he probably thinks he's doing the right thing but I can tell Aggro is sad because Cutters ignoring her but Cutters the only one who doesn't see it. I know that this is all a big misunderstanding and they could work it out if they just talk to each other. Though I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. I want to help, I really do but I know that they should work it out themselves. I shouldn't stick my snout where it doesn't belong. Plus I have my own problems I need to sort out...

I decided that I'm gonna go to Summer. I would go to Layla but I thought Summer makes since because she's a dragon, not that Leyla wouldn't have good input. If Summer isn't sure what to do then I'll probably ask her. I'm definitely not gonna ask the boys because well... Dak's never had a girlfriend in his life. Burple would be confused and Cutter... has his own problems he needs to sort out. Of course I'm not ask Dash, I just met him.

Everyone was done eating at this point so we were all just kinda having conversations with one another. Cutter and Burple are doing extra target practice and if I know Cutter then he's probably trying to compete with Burple. Leyla's by the tree with Aggro, Dash and Dak. And I think I see Voilet over there. They seemed to all me in there own conversation. Deciding to not to find out what there talking about and just focus on finding Summer. I see her by the well getting a drink. Perfect for me that she's all alone. I trout over to her with a hopeful smile really hoping that she'll have some advice.

"Hey, Summer." I say once I'm by her.

"Oh hey Winger. What's up?" She asks with a smile. She now has her head up and was sitting down ready to talk to me.

"Well... I need your advice about something.." I say and glance away, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"You want to impress Voilet?" Summer asks with a smirk at me. I look up to her wide-eyed. If dragons could blush my face would be completely red.

"How..did you.." I say unable to form a sentence.

She chuckled and says, "Whenever you think about her you get that sparkle in your eyes."

Not bothering to denying that I ask, "How do you know I like her?"

"It's pretty obvious that you like her. Plus I can read you like a book." She says smirking.

"You think she knows?!" I whisper shout.

Summer giggles and says, "Of course not. She's pretty obvious on that part." I can't hold back my sigh of relief.

"So will you help me?" I ask her hopefully.

"Of course! What are best friends for?" She says smiling triumphantly. I chuckle gladly.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Me and Summer we're sitting by the well and I was asking some questions about how to impress Voilet.

"So should I just go for it or ask her on a date. Flirt with her? Give her a gift? Do something cool to impress her? And if I ask her on a date would I where would I take her?" I ask, talking fast.

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now