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<<There is alot of Soulmate AU's so I did an the ink one!>>

I don't know why this has happened,
But I probably deserve it.~
I tried to do my best,
But you know that I'm not perfect.~


Hot water running down your back, your mind clear as snow, body feeling half way dead.Yeah, normal school routine I guess.Fingers covered in your desired hair product dance along your scalp, lathering it, cleansing it from unknown filth.Standing still for so long the warm water becomes cold as ice, your out of it and drying yourself with a (F/C) towel slowly.Getting every last drop of water you could possibly get.Once done your already dressed in the most comfortable clothing you have, a XL panda hoodie and black comfy jeans.

Your hoodie held many benefits for instance, once your done with your hair a tingling sensation comes from your left side of your ribcage.You knew to well that was, it was one of your soulmates favorite spots.

'I'm sorry...' checking it out you find a drawing, which glows in colors of cherry red, envelop your entire ribcage alone ' matter how much you all try..' fixing your hoodie you walk out, sliding on some Vans, then leave for school '...I won't let you find me.'

On the walk to school, eating some warmed up ready-to-go ramen all the way there, the tingling sensation returns but this time on your right shoulder.

Grazing your fingers ever so delicately to look you spy another colored drawing, but this time it was deep grey, but it seems to not envelop your entire shoulder unlike your ribcage 'Can you guys see that I do not want to be found?'

No.No they do not.This has been happening since you hit 9th grade, now here you are, a senior after 4 years later.They never seemed to stop and give up on finding you.

But you gave up.Long before you had soulmates.

Besides, who would want a mute soulmate?

The walk to your destination was not a long one, for once your at school super early.Taking this spare time you drew pictures in the sandy soft dirt.Simple and plain things.

Then that's when the tingle sensation kicks in 'Leave me alone, I wanna be alone.' but you look anyways to find a simple but cute drawing, color was navy blue, on your right ankle.

Can they not take the hint?Clearly not-.

"Your at school early this time?.." you fixing yourself up to turn to see your nephew, Raph, come ever so closer to your form "..Hey?What were you looking at just now (Y/N-?"

You raise a brow at him, confuse on why he stop so suddenly.But that sensation you hate come, but now on your cheek.Holy hell your soulmates were desperate.

Raph whistles slowly "I do hope you have a mask to hide that, whoever your soulmate is.They are crossing boundaries."

'You got no idea idea..'

It was not long till the school opens, since you had a mask on due to Corona virus going around, zoom to the bathroom light the speed of lightning McQueen.Once getting there your mask was off in an instant, and like all drawings, it was huge and was colored in dark purple.They were really testing your patience.Real bad.

'Just cover it up...' letting a heavy sigh out, your already meeting your reflection, eye to eye '...cover the hell up and they will never find you.'

Your mask was now on, gave yourself one more look, then left before the bell range.


Death Bed [Soulmate!Decepticons x Mute!Soulmate!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now