28 | It's Okay

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If she can't find me, then I don't have to tell her. Right now, I decided to do more digging on what those four men did to her. She didn't say anything about it.

I lock the door to the basement with a gun in my hand. I don't even know why I keep prisoners... but it helps when I have to deal things out with less powerful gangs who can't afford to lose a member.

But they don't stay for long. Either I shoot them, or they're released. I approach the furthest of the cells, opening the door. It's the blonde one. Well... his hair is now dusty and brown but it used to be blonde. You can still see it.

He whimpers at the sight of me. "You're going to answer some questions," I demand. He nods weakly. "What did you do with Bailey?"

He doesn't answer. I point the gun at him. "I will shoot you. But not kill you. Trust me when I say this, it hurts."

"We..." He starts. "Her father owed us some money, and-" He stops, shaking beyond measure.

"My gun is waiting."

"We went to his house to demand our money... he wasn't home. She was."

I grip my gun until my knuckles are white. "And? And what?!" I yell. I'm pretty sure he wet his pants. Gross.

He doesn't answer. I shoot a bullet to his knee. He screams in pain. "We used her!" He cries.

"Used her?"

He nods, gripping his knee in pain. "Used her... we raped her."

I shoot him again in the shoulder. Then in the leg. And then I shoot him in the head. Soon, the other three meet the same fate. A well deserved fate.

Fuck. No wonder she used to shudder away whenever I got close to her. She doesn't do that anymore... but I can't even imagine what she must have been through.

And I trapped her...


I take another punch at the punching bag. And then another. And another. I feel like I might drop. This is the third punching bag I've used up so far. The other two broke.

This one collapses too, too overworked, too hurt to keep going. There's a limit to everything, and there seems that there is none to Bailey. She's taking every blow, every punch, every knife, and every curse with open arms.

She's really strong.

Stronger than me, or anyone I've ever met before.

We used her, I throw a harder punch at the new punching bag. They used her... I pause when I hear a loud crash in the hallway. "I don't claim this!" I hear Anna yell.

I leave my room, after slipping into a shirt, and notice the TV on the ground. Broken. What is it with breaking things today? I notice Bailey with her eyes closed tightly and her hands over her ears. She lifts open one eye, and sighs.

"Is there something I should know?" I ask, staring at my broken TV.

"No... but why do you look like you just took a bath in sweat and socks?" Anna counters.

"Just angry... and worried... and angry."

"Is that a blood stain on your shirt?" Bailey asks, alarmed.

"First question. Is that your blood on your shirt?" Anna asks.

"It's not mine."

"Okay," Anna nods calmly, walking away into the kitchen. Most likely for eating.

"Then who is it?" Bailey asks, her faded blue eyes darkening.

"It doesn't matter. Can... can I hug you?" I ask, to make sure she's okay with it. She looks momentarily confused, until she embraces me.

"The answer is always yes for you," She breathes. Then she pulls away abruptly. "Go shower. You stink."

I chuckle. "Yeah... you should too I guess."

"Already on it," She replies, heading into her room to take a shower. I do the same, but head to mine.


We're on the couch, in Bailey's room, watching a movie. Titanic. Again. She loves that movie, and I can't seem to make her watch something else at the moment.

"This is so sad," She cries, taking a napkin and dabbing her face with it. "Let's watch Peppa Pig."

I look at her, a tiny bit concerned. "The movie's over, let's watch Peppa Pig," She repeats.


"I want Peppa Pig."

"Peppa pig then."

I take a handful of the popcorn and stuff it in my mouth. Having enough of the popcorn, I reach for the strawberry ice cream. Amazing how just this morning I killed four men, and now I'm watching Peppa Pig with my girlfriend.

But there's still an unrestful feeling about Blake. They said they'll start the surgery at five today, so until then, we're all trying to distract ourselves as much as possible. Anna's in her room, watching TV, and until now, I was murdering people and then murdering punching bags and now I'm watching Peppa Pig.

Bailey switches off the TV. "Adrian."


"I know you know."

"Know what?"

"I know you went down to interrogate them this morning. I know why, and and I know you know."

I decide to play dumb. "Know what?"

"You know about that night..." Her voice quiets down. "And if you don't want anything to do with me anymore, then it's okay." 


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okay, yeah, this was a bad chapter with like three different scenes with different moods and i'm sorry for that. i hope you liked reading it though... 

and i know this was a short chapter, my mind was blank. 

love u. 

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