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During the course of the week, Riley had found himself wondering many times how did Alice manage to keep up the show with Aidan.

Riley knew it was her job but after learning his cousin's plan and especially what he had done to Noah, he doubted he would have been able to stand the man's presence, let alone feign an amicable conversation despite his mission.

And yet, when the two men met on Sunday morning, Riley felt a wicked pleasure in realising that his act was his sharpest weapon to bring his cousin down.

Aidan had driven them to a small town just outside London where they were supposed to meet with the person running the organization in the area alongside him.

They parked on the gravelled driveway of a big Georgian two-story building, its white walls reflecting the sunshine peeking through the clouds after a morning shower.

A big terrace occupied good part of the second floor and shiny black blinders of the many windows made the front wall look like a chessboard.

The grass either side of the driveway was immaculately cut and decorated with bushes of long stem red roses.

The men walked to the glass door, through which Riley could see a small mudroom and Aidan rang the doorbell, an excited smile briefly curved his lips.

Shortly after a young boy appeared behind the glass, he doubtfully took in Riley's tall figure and visibly relaxed when he finally recognised Aidan standing next to him.

"Aidan!" the boy greeted excitedly as he opened the door.

"Hey, buddy!" Aidan ruffled the boy's hair. "This is my cousin Riley," he said and Riley shook the hand the boy politely offered as he introduced himself as Edward.

The two men walked in and were immediately hit by the delicious smell of shepherd's pie.

"I beat your best time on Rainbow Road," the boy declared excited as the three crossed the big living area of tan terracotta floor tiles and country style furniture.

"Really?" asked Aidan, incredulous.

The boy nodded emphatically, his eyes like saucers.

"Oh man, that needs to be addressed asap!" Aidan said with a chuckle.

"Do you have time today?" Edward asked, expectantly.

But Aidan shook his head apologetically.

"No buddy, sorry, today we're in a hurry, we're not staying long..."

Edward's disappointment was evident on his face as he mumbled an ok.

How much time did Aidan spend in that house?

"Edward, why don't you take Pixie for a walk?"

A woman appeared into the leaving room and slowly moved her eyes from the boy to Riley, studying him in silence as Edward put on his wellies and exited into the big garden.

"Let's go talk in my office," she said and the two men followed her through a dark corridor.

The room perfectly matched the owner, with its furniture of mahogany like her hair and art deco of emerald green like her eyes.

She sat at the big desk in front of the window, from which Riely could see the small shape of the young boy disappear into the woods followed by an excited golden retriever.

"Caroline, this is my cousin Riley," started Aidan introducing the two.

The woman leaned back against her leather chair and produced a cordial smile.

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