Part Thirty Five-Wanting to Make Her Smile

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Hello everyone. A chapter three days in a row👀. I've been extra motivated so that's why. But I'm sure you all don't mind. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Ryuji POV
I'm currently just in my lab doing idle repairs waiting for Jiro to text me that she's ready to work on the song.

*knock knock knock*

"Who's there?" I ask

"Hey Takashi, it's me" I hear Midoriya's voice

"Come in" I say

I hear the door open and I stop working and wipe my hands off.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask

"Well I know your busy and everything. With the preparations for the festival and working on your other projects. But I want to know if you want to go with Mirio and me to go and visit Eri. Mr.Aizawa told us that she wanted to specifically see us so I just wanted to ask" he tells me

"I'm sure that Jiro would understand. Let me just send her a quick text" I say as I pull out my phone

I send Jiro a text saying that I have to go to the hospital so I won't be able to work on the song today.

"That's cool, we can just get started on it tomorrow" she responds

"Alright, I'll meet you at the entrance of U.A" I say

Midoriya leaves and I change into some clothes that are more suitable to wear at a hospital and grab some gifts that I made for Eri. I meet Midoriya and Mirio outside and we all make our way to the hospital. Once we arrive we ask the receptionist which room Eri is in. She tells us and we make our way to the room.

"Eri!" Midoriya and Mirio exclaim as they quickly open the door

We look to see Eri sitting in a hospital bed.

"Sorry I couldn't come see you sooner" Midoriya says

"Here's a fruit basket! Eat some if you'd like!" Mirio says

"I have brought gifts" I say

"Is there a fruit you like? Can I try guessing?" Mirio asks

"It's probably apples" I say

"It's peaches, right? Cause you're like a peach!" Mirio guesses

"Apples..." Eri says

"Told you" I say

"That's what I thought!" Mirio says

"Oranges would've been better" I say

"Does it really matter?" Midoriya deadpans

"This whole time, even when I had a fever, I was thinking...about when you rescued me. But I didn't know your name. I only knew Lemillion and Takashi" Eri says

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku! Um, maybe since Deku is shorter, it's easier to remember...Deku. I'm Deku!" Midoriya says

"Hero name?" Eri says confused

"It's like a nickname" Midoriya says

"Deku" she says

"That's right!" Midoriya says proudly

"I'd much rather you call me Ryu. I only let people special to me call me that" I say

"Is that your hero name?" Eri asks

"My hero name is Avenger, but Ryu is easier" I say

"Lemillion. Deku. Ryu. And...that man wearing glasses...All of you...were injured badly because of me. Because of me, you all suffered...I'm sorry.'s my fault that you lost your power, Lemillion..." she says as she starts to tear up

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