Part Thirty Six-Somethings Deserve to be Forgotten

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Hello everyone. Update 3 days in a row then take 3 days off...Perfectly balanced. Anyways. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Ryuji POV
I make my way down to the common room to meet with the rest of the class.

"The school festival is exactly one month away! We don't have much time, so we should decide various things today!" Iida tells us

"First, we should decide on a song, huh? What should we do?" Toru asks

"Since it's for everyone, shouldn't we do a song most people know?" Sero asks

"What are you thinking, Jiro?" I ask

"If I put together everyone's opinions, then we're looking at a four-on-the-floor new rave type of club rock song. For dance music, we should really be playing EDM, but you guys want it play instruments" she explains

I'm kinda following along...

"Has anyone ever played bass or drums or anything?" She asks

I start to raise my hand but she puts it down.

"You don't count, you'll be on the singing part with me" she says

Nobody else raises their hand...

"Right. First, the backbone of a band is the drums, but I mainly play guitar, so honestly, I'm still learning drums. Teaching a beginner and practicing myself will be a lot to do in just a month" She explains

"Oh, didn't you say you were made to take music classes as a kid?" Kaminari asks Bakugo

"Really? That's surprising!" Ashido exclaims

"Bakugo, try playing the drums a little" Sero says

"Like I'd do that" Bakugo says

"It's ok Bakugo, you don't have to play drums. I can just make a machine that could play the drums ten times better then you ever could" I say trying to agitate him

"Like hell some machine could ever hope to be better than me!" He shouts while grabbing the drum sticks

He then amazed most of our classmates by playing the drums surprisingly well.

"Well?!" He says

"P-Perfect..." Jiro says

"Bakugo's gotta be on the drums!" Kaminari exclaims

"Huh? I'm not doing anything so stupid" Bakugo says as he gets up

"Bakugo, please! This will definitely turn out good if you play" Jiro pleads

"There's no way it'll be good! It's that, right? Some empty promise to let students from other courses blow off steam? For the cause of that stress to do that- if that's not self-satisfaction, then what is? There's no way they'd take that quietly from the people they're mad at!" Bakugo shouts

"Hey, you don't have to say it like that!" Toru exclaims

"That's exactly what I'm taking about!" He exclaims

"'s true that we may not have been considerate enough..." Iida says to Yaoyorozu

"You didn't participate in the discussion, so don't complain about it now" Todoroki says

"Doesn't it make you mad? It's not like we wanted to be messed around with by the villains. Why do we have to think about how they feel?" Bakugo asks

"You know... I agree with Bakugo on this one. Why should we have to apologize for something that wasn't our fault in the first place? If anything, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, it's All Might's fault for coming to U.A even though he knows that he has tons of people who want him dead" I say

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