Chapter 3

699 7 9

Nika's pov
I woke up with the bruises that nancy and ı made and looked at the time. It was 8.00. The school starts at 9.00. I get out of room and say my mom

‐good morning mom

‐good morning nika. How are you doing

‐I am fine. You

‐Me too.Does bruises hurt.

‐No its not.When will be breakfast ready

‐In a few minute.

‐Good.I am going to prepare my bag.

‐No,you wont


‐Becouse you arent going to school today


‐Becouse of the bruises.Maybe you should have a day off

‐Fine mom.

I went to my room and dressed up woth my normal clothes.and go to kitchen to eat.while we are sraying our foods


‐Yes mom

‐Whats the name of the bully

I didnt know what to say

‐Her name is nancy



‐No ı mean her surname

‐I dont know.I didnt think that

‐Okay Nika.What was she like

‐Dark black hair and brown eyes.Why did you asked that.Are you going to come to school

‐No ı just wondered

‐Okay.But promise me you arent going to school

‐I promise you

-Thank you mom.ı am full.Can ı go to my room

‐Yes.You can.(Sorry nika.But ı know that you lied to me. You are a bad liar.And ı am going to find the one that did this to my daughter)

I went to my room Locked the door and listen my favourite rock song and listen with my headphones.15 minutes later max şans a message

‐Nika why didnt you come to the school

‐Nancy problem

‐Oh.You mean the bruises?

‐Yeah And my mom series about me. Becouse of that ı am at home


‐How is the sales?

‐Good.And the is going to be a gum shipment but where are we going to do that

‐I have an idea

‐What is it

‐Beigoma academy has screen rooms behind lockers.But they are closed it Becouse they didnt need it and they locked the lockers.But if you can open them we can sale the gums

‐Thank you. Which locker please

‐Locker 158

‐Thank you.

‐no problem

After we talked i went to do my homeworks and read book.When school Finished after 10 minute later
aiga came

‐Hey nika can i come in

‐Yes.You can

Aiga goes in

When aiga comes in nika's saw aiga and
Blushed too much.In aiga when he comes in he saw nika beautiful and he blushed toooo


‐Hhhheyy nika how are you doing

‐I.....I an fine you

‐Yeah meeee tooo

Aiga notice The bruises

‐Nika what happened

‐Nothing Not importan(why didnt ı told him that it was a bullie)

‐Okay.And I am going to day somethinG


‐Teacher gave us a project.Abaut maths

‐Oh.When will we give it

‐1 week later


‐Bye. Have a nice da


Aiga leaves

Why am ı feeling like this aiga and nika both said this.

‐Aiga is just a boy. And handsome
I mean hes not hot

‐Nika is just a girl.And hot ,beautiful mean shes not.

-Why am ı feeling like this. Nika said

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