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Hajime Hinata stood at the school gates, students filing along into the school as he filled with pride. He made it. He made it when all odds were stacked against him.

He was officially a Hope's Peak Academy Reserve Course Student. He smiled as the sunlight shined on him and the school, illuminating his smile of determination as he stepped forward.

Of course, the moment was interrupted by two students shoving past him rudely in their brown main course uniforms. "Hey—! Do you mind—,,?!" He raised a brow in irritation, watching the two blink owlishly in shock.

It only took one look at Hajime's black uniform for them to burst into uproarious laughter. Hinata faltered on confusion at the laughter and watched the two skip off. What's so funny..?

Hinata continued and entered the reserve course building with a frown, taking in the details of chipped paint on walls and bland architecture. It differed greatly from the main course which practically sparkled in polished floors and brightly cleaned walls. He entered his classroom to notice that the students were just as bad as the building.

They drearily sat in a tense silence, save for the occasional scribble on paper or cough. They looked absolutely miserable and exhausted, intoxicating the atmosphere and environment. Hinata sat at his seat, sure to attempt a few of his smiles at the others politely - which was ignored. He slumped in defeat with a sigh, watching the teacher enter to pass out masses of work and leave him to his confusion.

He knew that it would be difficult but,, he didn't expect this.

Of course, lunch time came by. He sat at a seat in the dull cafeteria, silently eating his food at his empty table. The others made dry conversation with eachother and occasionally glanced up to meet their eyes.

Bang. The thud of doors being swung open alerted the cafeteria of the newcomers.. Main Course Newcomers. They weren't allowed in this building? Why were they here? Hajime's eyes glanced over in confusion, taking notice of the anxious students around him who kept their eyes on their food in silence.

The group of students cackled and giggled to eachother, making snarky comments as they looked around for their selected victim. Their eyes stopped on a girl who trembled like a leaf, grinning as one gripped tightly onto her hair. "Babe..! Stop!" One giggled as the girl broke into tears, clutching onto her boyfriend's arm. "You're making the little cow cry!" One chimed in with a pout as she shoved the girl out of her seat.

They all cackled in unison as they dumped a carton of milk over her head, earning a yelp from the Reserve Course student. "Moo for us, you worthless cow! Mooooo!" The Main Course students all chuckled in amusement.

Hajime's eyes widened at the scene, glancing around to see everyone silent and looking away from the situation. Ah. Fuck it.

He shoved himself up, knitting his brows with a deep frown as he approached the group and shoved at one of the students.
"Hey—! Fuck off already! Assholes..!" Hinata growled out in disgust, earning shocked looks from fellow classmates and even the bullies.

The Main Course students soon exchanged looks before bursting into laughter, fueling Hinata's confusion as they clutched onto their stomachs. "O-Oh my God—! Oh my fucking God,.. my stomach—! Ahahah..!! Oh, holy shit that hurts,! I'm laughing too damn hard!" One of them hollered as they began to leave. "Oh, you're so fucked, Kid—!"

After the door shut behind them, Hajime sighed in relief, offering a hand to the girl amongst the silence. "Hey.. you—" He paused it confusion, halting as he flinched at the girl. Her expression was no longer in fear and desperation, but now disgust and anger as she looked at him with disgust.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" She snarled out, Hajime anxiously stepping back as he noticed the other Reserve's matching expressions. "O-Oh, I was just—,," "What? You think you're better than us or something? A fucking big shot? You asshole. You son of a fucking bitch." The girl hissed out venomously. "Know your fucking place, you're a Reserve you absolute pig. You're trash, just like the rest of us. You should know your fucking place."

Hajime shakily took a step back from the overwhelming room, suddenly feeling out of breath as he attempted to defend himself amongst the disgust and insults thrown at him. He quickly turned around and bolted out the cafeteria.

For the first time, Hajime Hinata ate the rest of his lunch in the school bathrooms.

Woo !!! Sorry for the late chapter, any thoughts or criticism? Idk, feel free to comment and vote!!!

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