Chapter 16: Strike Out

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"So, I thought we were trying this friend thing out." Griffin stood by my locker, wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans. His tousled hair practically reached his eyes, making me wonder how he drove and if he could even see properly. "Or is that just a thing we do in private?" He continued, looking at me expectantly, with his lips drawn into the familiar smirk as he waited for my answer.

"Well, we're not exactly friends," I told him, smoothing my checkered skirt. "We're..."

"Wrongly accused criminals?"


"Sorry," he apologized, leaning his body weight against the locker next to mine. The scent of his woodsy cologne and aftershave lingered in the air, sending a wave of warmth through me.

"I didn't think visiting each other by our lockers before class counted in that deal anyway," I told him.

"Not talking about this. I meant yesterday at the vigil. I called after you, but you were storming away."

"That was you?" I asked in surprise. "Sorry. I thought it was Justin."

There was a flicker of emotion on his face, but only for a second. "What happened?"

The last thing I wanted was to tell Griffin Keely about the tragic end of my relationship with Justin. I tried to busy myself with taking books out of my locker.

He took my silence as an answer by adding, "You know, they say the honeymoon period only lasts a certain amount of time with the wrong person."

"Your history of one relationship is enough for you to know that?" I said wryly.

"No. I just know when someone's the wrong person. It's easier than knowing when someone's good for you."

I closed the locker door and then turned to him. "That's because people never want someone good for them. They crave pain and confuse that with love."

"People or you?" His words hurt because of the truth behind them. I hated how he could see me so clearly and openly; ironically, more than the day he had seen me in the picture. You had to fear those people who saw you truly naked, not the type where there was bare skin, but when they could see your thoughts, the things you tried to hide; when you're truly vulnerable.

Because that's when you give them the ability to ruin you.

Before I could turn away in annoyance, he grabbed my wrist gently, pulling me back.

"I was just messing Grey, but you went and got all deep on me," he said, laughing softly. "I just know 'deserves better' when I see it. You're a lot smarter than just being Justin's girlfriend. You're, you know. Haven Grey. Lifeguard."

When he saw the hint of a smile on my face, he kept going. "What do you define as the nice guy anyway?" he said. "I'm nice, and women use me for sex." I knew he was kidding, but I still humored him.

"You're not that nice."

He laughed, and the familiar sparkle returned to his eyes.

"Besides, I know plenty of girls in love with you," I said, backing away, so he wasn't as close. He casually leaned, closing the distance again. I gave him a look, but he seemed oblivious to it.

"Name one," he said.

"Tori Sanchez. Amy Walker. Carter Davis. Carter's sister. Hell, Carter's brother, even. Should I keep the list going?"

"Nah. I know a bunch of girls do. It's just great hearing it." He winked and broke into his half-smile. Before I could roll my eyes, a high-pitched voice cut through the air like glass.

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