Chapter 23: Love Is Sweet

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The sound of cheers and screams echoed across the field as Taylor scored the final touchdown, winning the seniors the game. She pumped her arms in the air, and I cheered alongside her and the rest of the girls.

"Hey, Haven? Congrats to your team on the win." Talia Brennen, captain of the junior team, handed over the trophy in her hand. Sweat glistened on her forehead as she cracked a smile. "But so that you know, the juniors are better. We'll let you oldies have it this time, though."

I grinned. "Better luck next year, Brennen."

She waved as she hurried off to join the rest of her teammates.

I turned the trophy in my hands, running a finger alongside the golden tab engraved with our year on it. The glint of the crest only caught my eye temporarily. I peered at the inside of the trophy, noticing the piece of paper lodged inside. I pulled out the note.


Cold goosebumps threaded my skin, making the little hairs rise. I flipped the page, but there was nothing there—no signature from Killer Cupid, no other information.

I looked at the crowd of people, but everyone was too busy celebrating the game. Amidst the squeals, there wasn't anyone suspiciously quiet or even looking in my direction. I folded the note up, placing it into my shorts.

I walked over to the bench to grab my water bottle. I saw the other guys run up to mix with the players, but I didn't see Griffin. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms grab me and pull me back behind the bleachers. Before I could react, a hand clamped over my mouth.

Instant fear kicked into my system, and I reached up to pull the hands away. My widened eyes met with Griffin's shining ones, and he gave me a charming smile.

"You scared me." I stifled a laugh. "What are you doing?"

"Stealing you away so I can congratulate you on a good game," he said, trailing his fingers across my neck. "Although my way of saying congrats doesn't involve as many words."

I shook my head, placing my hand on his chest as if to push him away. "Someone might see us," I whispered, looking over his shoulder to see the other students still milling around.

"No one can see us now," he said, using his arms to guide me, so his body blocked me from anyone else's view. "So, I can do this." He leaned down before kissing me, his mouth warm and tasting like mint. His tongue met mine for only a second before he pulled away. I frowned at the loss of contact, but he had moved down to the nape of my neck, sucking gently. I let out a gasp, eyes fluttering as he moved down. "And this."

"And even this," he said slowly, hooking his finger on the band of my shorts to pull me closer, tracing his finger on my bare skin. I felt my breath hitch, realizing how close he was to me. I tried to ignore the thrill of seeing how far he would go, my common sense telling me to create some distance.

I tugged his hand away before he could see the effect he had on me, but from the sparkle in his eyes, I knew it was too late.

"Griffin," I whispered against his mouth, "We need to talk."

"Uh-oh," Griffin said. "Am I in trouble?"

I laughed, pulling away. "No, but..." I stopped, noticing the way he was looking at me.

I couldn't bring up the news about Darian now. Knowing more of Natasha's lies would crush him.

Besides, it was too soon to figure out how Darian had any connection to this.

"Never mind," I said, lips curving into a smile. "I'm just happy you're here."

The dimple in his cheek was back as he smiled.

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