Chapter Fifteen: Riley Everett

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I've decided that I hate these parties. Everyone here is French, like everyone. I'm supposed to be Polish so I'm not supposed to understand a thing these people say so I'm just standing around like a lemon, following some old man around as he runs his mouth.

I've already found out about the dire situation the French are in right now, I think I'll only need to kill this guy and then destroy the shipment coming in soon. Apparently, it's not only shipping C4 but also a large shipment of guns, drugs and clean cash. They've had it imported from one of their friends in Asia so I can assume there is gonna be heavy protection on this ship and I've gotta get on it and destroy everything before the fuckers even dock.

I figure there will be a large greeting party to move all of this product from the docks to their distribution channels and I don't want to fight all of them and then everyone on the boat. Looks like I'm going to be stealing a boat of my own and sneaking onto the ship while it's still fucking moving, sounds like fun to me.

As per the usual, the guy I am 'dating' for this evening - in this case Durand - gets so drunk on expensive whiskey that he passes out before trying to seduce me. I leave him dead on the comfort of his duck feather duvet and head out of the building because I really don't fancy being a date to another stuffy old guy.

Besides, I need to talk to Johnson and Chief about what the plan is for this ship. I'm hoping Johnson can fuck with the boat system so they have to stop moving and I can get onto it. I'm also hoping he can use thermal satellites to tell me how many men I'm to expect aboard the ship.

"Hey Johnson." I greet as I get into my car, it connects to the Bluetooth so I toss my phone into the passenger seat and start the car. "Durand is dead, no problems there. The boat is my last target, can you hack the boat's mainframe and stop it from going so I can get on?"

"I don't see why not. I looked through the manifest for it and it's one of the newest model of ships. I thought it was strange that only three containers have been loaded on it in Asia but I assume that's all they need. There will be a lot more on there, they'll be filled with bullshit just to hide the stuff from customs."

"You know which ones it'll be, right?"

"Of course, I've got them written down here. The crew consists of 17 men, none of them seem to have any experience with water but they kidnapped the captain and a few of his men to pilot the ship so you'll have to leave them alive."

"Which means I'll have to find a way to get rid of the C4 without blowing it to kingdom come, shame. I quite like fireworks."

"Chief never would've signed off on it. This is definitely the ship we're looking for but it's not docking for another fortnight."

"I thought it was due Wednesday."

"Yeah, Wednesday two weeks from now. I guess take a holiday while you can because the minute you take down another Mafia, they'll give you even harder jobs."

"You'll be doing it too, I'm not working with anyone else."

"Drive safe, wanker."

"Bye dickhead." He hangs up and I grumble as I pull up outside my flat building. I hate this dress, like sure it's pretty but it's so freaking tight and it's white. Makes me look like Virgin Mary, when I am in fact definitely not a virgin.

Damn Theo Green happened when I was thirteen. It was a terrible experience and I went off men for a good six years, women satisfied me more but then I discovered Rosen Frank and I suddenly liked dick again. Still, now that I have a vacation I can have some fun in this town. Men and women alike, maybe at the same time, depends what I'm in the mood for.

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