Chapter Forty-One: Riley Everett

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(A/N: The chapter below is not an accurate description of any culture or religion, it's basically made up craziness to add a little flavour to the story. Please do not think I am mocking/appropriating any culture at any point in this story and if you do find something in here upsetting I apologise, please contact me and we can talk. Lots of love, Ellie x)

So, I know murder is high on my skill list but apparently I'm not allowed to kill the bastards that use and abuse their children, including my idiot. I'm currently driving Boulder and I to the airport so that we can take the two hour flight to Vegas, it's amusing to watch him fidget in the front seat.

He's already scooted the chair back as far as it goes and opened every window in the car despite the fact we're going eighty down a highway. He still claims to be claustrophobic, I can't wait to see what he's like on planes. We had to get here early because I have to go through all the checks to carry my firearm - which I'm allowed as an agent to carry - and the fact I have shrapnel in my back doesn't help matters.

"Let me see your ID and your consent to carry." The officer demands as soon as we start security. We're only going for today and flying back late tonight so we don't have much luggage, just a backpack with paperwork and snacks in so at least Boulder got through quickly. He's stood at the other end waiting for me, he's probably at the gate by now.

I hand over everything he needs, consent to all the searches and all that fun stuff before I strap the gun back on and walk away. I strapped the gun to my thigh because I doubt the officers would like it if I tucked it into the back of my jeans, I don't fancy being frisked. Except by Boulder, obviously.

I find him at our very busy gate, sat by the window with his leg bouncing up and down. I lower myself onto the still leg and scratch through his hair, making his eyes roll back and close. "Everything will be okay, I promise. If not, I'll start shooting."

"Are you sure this is something you want?" He asks for the seventh time today.

"Boulder, this child needs us and I want to do this with you. Okay? The answer hasn't changed since the first time you asked." He tugs me closer and hugs me tightly, his chin resting on my boob. The old lady next to us doesn't seem pleased by our position and I almost laugh at her expression.

"Flight 276 to Las Vegas is boarding. First class passengers please board the plane." I grab the bag off of Boulder and start towards the plane.

"She said first class passengers." The old lady says derisively.

"I know, thank you!" I reply with a petty smile and drag Boulder with me to the gate. As expected, he hates the plane. He spends the entire time complaining and wiggling, saying there's not enough room. Thank God we splurged for first class tickets because I couldn't imagine him in economy.

"Thank God!" He shouts as soon as we're in the airport, even though he hates airports. God, he is such a whiner. I can't wait to be back at home where he is not such a big baby and is a very attractive biker instead.

I get stopped by security again and they check over my papers before letting me out alongside Boulder. I doubt they'd just let him walk through if he was wearing his cut. I rented a car for the day as well, I pick up the keys for a convertible so that I can have the roof down to cut down the whining at least fifty percent.

"Is this better?" I ask as we speed towards his father's land.

"Yeah, still hate cars though." He grumbles and I turn up my music to tune him out.

It's a long drive and I find myself getting bored but thankfully, it's over after three hours. "This is the place?" It's like it's own little town of basic four/five bedroom houses with men roaming everywhere with building equipment and other heavy looking stuff. It's very unsettling, the vibe that is, and I get why Boulder pegged it when he was a kid.

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