Late Night Thoughts

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John shifted on the bed again, seemingly not able to become comfortable enough.

Tomorrow, Snape was gonna drop his ass off wherever all the other school kids go for transportation, like some over-glorified school bus.

But if John were to deal with Snape's shit and the potential brats that he'll come by-he required at least three or four hours.

Not that he hasn't ran on less.

He peered over to the bird he took 'home' a week ago, John still hasn't found a name for her.
Well none that felt right anyway.

And he didn't think the bare minimum name fluffy would do him or the owl any good.

With a frustrated sigh John mentally yelled a 'Screw You!' to the universe, fully expecting an answer mind you, and willed his eyes firmly shut.


"So they had moved it after all?"

"Y-yes my lord...I-I ap-apologize for not taking faster action!-"
"-Quite you bubbling fool!"

The man quickly did as he was told, not daring to anger the other more.

"Hm.....the Stone has been moved... Dumbledore's doing no doubt....but where did they take it?"

The first man contemplated the question, even while it wasn't directed towards him.

While he wasn't the smartest man around, he certainly tired his hardest in what he did.

"Ah~ Headmaster, didn't really keep it with you did you?"

The second voice, more cold and demanding than the first, had an epiphany.

"W-well sir....e-even if that f-fool didn't have the s-stone on hand personally-wouldn't he still know where?"
The first voice finally offered up.

The second voice considered the notion, indeed believing that it was worth the risk checking into each possibility.

"My loyal servant, you will make good use to me after all.....we shall use your profession to get close to knowing the stone's whereabouts. As much as it pains me to force us through the brats and inferiors before us-
Make way to the castle."


A young boy sat down on his bed for the last time for a year.

After his family had no choice but to accept what he was, he was just excited to finally leave the place and explore his new path in life!


"Y-yes Aunt Petunia!"

He just wished tomorrow could come sooner...


He turned

His feet couldn't move fast enough!

A figure stood still, so close yet somehow never in reach.

He tried harder, he had to!

His head was thrown back

He felt something twist beneath and around his legs, holding him tightly

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