One In A Million!

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Harry looked over his shoulder.

Further down the table was the kid from Madam Hooch's class.

John Constantine.

It had been three days after he saw John potentially save Neville.

He's asked some of his peers if they've heard of him before-strangely enough the blonde didn't have a Slytherin like reputation.

Actually, he didn't have one at was so abnormal for a snake to linger in the back of each class.....but maybe Harry was thinking too hard into it...

Well, it wouldn't kill Harry to be wrong about any suspicions he contained, John could just be a regular kid here!

But something in Harry's stomach told him other wise....

He turned his head back before Ms. Sprout could catch him not doing work.

Today they were going around the table trying to determine what species they were based on size, color and structure.

And if they were poisonous or not.

Harry didn't have a problem with getting a decent grade, mostly because Ron pressured Hermione into giving away a few answers, but Harry made sure not to listen to all of them.

Hermione wasn't a tool to be used, so if Harry got one wrong-then it'd be his own fault.

Unfortunately Harry did get a few wrong, but he didn't fail either so that was fine.

"All right students! I will be assigning a project!-"

Others around him, including Ron groaned.

"-The project will be research based-"
Ok, now Harry sighed.
"-but you will be going into the field for a plant log! Students will have the option of going solo or partnering! No more than two! The assignment of plant identifications will be due Friday!"

As in Halloween?
Alright then.

"Once you've made your decisions, I will give you your assignment worksheets!"

Harry looked around, Hermione and Ron coming to his sides instantaneously.

Hermione shook her head, "No more than two Ronald, who heard Ms. Sprout!"

"Yeah! Which means me n Harry got work to do!-"

Why did these two always fight?

As his best friend and their acquaintance argued for partners, Harry looked around absentmindedly.

The greenhouse was always a bit cluttered and the smell of grass most cases overpowering.
Class should be over soon....Friday... so him and his partner would have two days to complete the project.
Not a whole lot of time really....but they could start as soon as break began!

A flash of yellow lit up the corner of his eye, Harry looked to the left to find John again, this time packing up his bag.

There wasn't anyone around him.....did go solo?

The bell rang through the halls and students began to flood out, only leaving a handful of students behind.

"-honestly Ronald you're so pig-headed!"
That remind Harry of why he was daydreaming in the first place.
"You would be failing half your classes if it wasn't for me doing all your work for you!-"
She had a point couldn't sit through this...

Harry didn't think he could handle being partnered up with either of them! All the partner he chose would do would complain of the other's behavior!

His eyes slipped back over to John.

Maybe he could switch things up?
But he was a Slytherin.
But he helped Neville!
But he didn't try to get Neville's ball back....
But Harry couldn't take the arguing anymore!
But the other was a Slytherin, the house they've been fighting with all year!
.......but what if John was different....

Harry wouldn't know until he tried...

He decided; without another word to either of them, thus causing confusion, Harry began making his way into Slytherin territory.

The blonde held a sheet as he slugged his bag over his shoulder.

"Uh....hey! Ah-your John right?"
Man Harry.....if that wasn't graceful.

He walked up to his Slytherin classmate, much to the distress of his Gryffindor peers.

John looked over, "Uhh...Yeah mate, what ya need?"

That was a first.

Not hate, no disgust or blindly strong competitiveness with someone you've just met just because of your house.

Maybe he was different after all.

" you have a partner by chance?"

John blinked, "'suppose not..."

Harry swallowed as he was about to make Hogwarts history-
"Would you like to be partners? I-I mean I don't have one either-but I understand if you don't-"

Harry stopped.
"Sure mate, I don't see a problem with partnerin up; it'll make the project easier wit us two sharin the workload."

He found himself nodding to his new partner....his new Slytherin partner.

Good lord his housemates were going to freak-
"I'll have to switch this out though."

John looked down to his worksheet,
"I grabbed the solo one earlier."

Harry blinked, "Uh-yeah sure! No problem! So uh....when do you want to start? I was planing on starting during break but if that's not a good time-?"

John shook his head lightly, "Nah, breaks alright with me mate. I'll be back with the other packet."

The blonde gave a mock salute and went back over to where Ms. Sprout was getting ready for other classes.

Harry breathes out a sigh of relief, his heart racing as the situation could've gone a very different direction.

"Mate.....what the hell just happened?"

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin