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When Elliot walks into the conference room that we're all seated in, arguing over which colour we should paint the youth center in, in his casual clothes, looking like he wasn't in the hospital cutting people open for the past thirty-six hours, I ...

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When Elliot walks into the conference room that we're all seated in, arguing over which colour we should paint the youth center in, in his casual clothes, looking like he wasn't in the hospital cutting people open for the past thirty-six hours, I know that something is about to happen.

Despite the fact that Elliot works so hard and for so long with so little sleep, he always manages to look sharp, alert and bright-eyed.

He has on a bright smile and looks quite amused to see all of us standing around or seated on Ace's conference table, yelling the names of various colours at each other rather zealously.

There's a silence when the door opens and he walks in as we all turn to look at him.

He leisurely strolls up to the table and smiles at each of us, in turn.

"How was colour theory class?" he asks us, in a tone that he probably uses on kids.

"What do you think of pale-yellow walls in a building?" his sister demands, "I think it's pastel and easy on the eyes."

Elliot saunters over and takes a seat leisurely in one of the many vacant chairs. "I think it'll look like a hospital."

I give Jenna a look. "I told you."

She extends her arm and points her finger at me across the table. "You never said hospital."

Elliot leans over to Ace, who is standing calmly beside him, his arms folded over his chest and his expression passive. "Is this how it always is?"

Ace's eyebrows raise for a moment. "Strangely, they became savage only over colours."

Elliot snorts. "Did you guys also think of cow-dung green, vomit-yellow and shit-tastic brown?"

Jenna glares at him. "Is there a specific reason that you're here after a thirty-six-hour shift and not passed out face-first on your bed?"

Elliot nods in Marco's direction. "We've been invited for dinner by Marco's Mom."

I cross my arms over my chest. "And how come the people in this room aren't the ones to know, but the one who's been in and out of operating theaters for the past day and a half is?"

Marco shrugs. "You guys are here anyway. Elliot wasn't."

Ace closes three files. "Well, I think we should all just adjourn for the day. We can have the architect bring in recommendations for the colour of the walls."

When Ace closes files, work really is done for the day.

"Did you really have to blindside all of us?" I ask Marco, who is rolling up his blueprints.

He shrugs. "My Mom made me promise that I won't let you guys bring anything, so this was the easiest way."

Rosalie's eyes widen when she realizes that she's going for a dinner where she can't take something for the hosts. "Oh, God. This isn't good for my conscience."

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