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Dean raises his glass to me from across the table

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Dean raises his glass to me from across the table. "And consider this a thank you for making sure that I don't go into business with Patrick McCallum."

I raise an eyebrow at him, clinking my glass with his. "Dean, I've been getting you out of business deals with all the Patrick McCallums throughout your professional life."

Dean smiles his sheepish smile at me and takes a drink. "The company has had a good year, Isa and I have you to thank."

I lean back in my chair. "Dean, the company does well because your product is good. I'm just trying to make sure that you don't do anything stupid with it."

"And I appreciate it."

I look at him and narrow my eyes. "Why do I feel like this is a bribe?"


I gesture to the restaurant that we're seated in. There's a suit-clad host at the door and all their waiters wear crisp, white aprons and make wine recommendations based on the entree that you pick. "This dinner. Feels like a bribe. What did you do, Dean?"

Dean's eyes widen for a moment and then, he leans back in his own chair, shaking his head. A small smile crosses his face. "Am I that transparent?"

I want to nod, but I don't. "You're being shifty and I've known you for a long time. What did you do? You look like you're about to tell me that you peed in my favourite shoes."

"No pee, I swear," Dean says, holding up his hands in defense, "I - uh" - he scratches the back of his head - "I promised to give someone money."

I gawk at him. "Like, from your company?"

Dean nods.

"Who?! When?! How much?!"

Dean flinches a little, so I hold up my hands. "Alright, alright. I'll slow down. How much money did you promise this person?"

"Upwards of a hundred thousand."

I can feel my fingers tighten around the stem of my glass. "Was it done in writing?"

"No... but I did give my word, Isa. You know I don't go back on my word."

God damn you and your chivalry, Dean.

"Alright." I take a calming breath. "To whom, pray tell, did you promise this money to?"

Dean shifts. "The Zenith Fund."

I get ready to explode. I'm halfway up from my seat, but after Dean speaks, I frown at him. "The - The Zenith Fund?"

Dean nods.

"The charity that raises funds to donate meals to underprivileged communities all around the world?"

"Yes?" Dean looks like he wants to disappear.

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