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Chapter 34: (Olivia's POV)

It was now the next morning and Ethan and I were just hanging out in his room, talking, chilling, finding a movie to watch. I stood up to grab my phone which was charging at his desk when I saw a cab pulling up into my driveway. "Who is that?" I asked out loud, opening his window and sticking my head out. 

"What?" he asked, standing behind me, also leaning over to see. 

"Someone's at my house," I said. The car stopped and a minute passed until the door opened and a woman stepped out. My eyes fell out of their sockets. "Oh, my god! That's Cher!" I squealed in my spot, turning to run out and see her. I turned around, crashing right into Ethan. He chuckled at me, grinning down. I kissed him, maybe it's the adrenaline, and then I ran out. Barefoot. 

The cab was just pulling out of my driveway when I got there, running up to her. "Cher?" I asked. 

"You just had to show up and ruin the surprise, you do it every time," she laughed, shaking her head, "Come here!" I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She squeezed me in response as well. "Oh, look how big you've gotten," she smiled, looking at me up and down. "That doesn't mean fat," she said quickly. I laughed, hugging her again. "Oh, who is this?" she sang, as we pulled apart. I turned around and saw Ethan standing there, quickly throwing a shirt on. 

He ran after you. 


"Cher, this is Ethan, Ethan this is Cher," I introduced the two even though they spoke on facetime before. 

"Ah, the infamous boyfriend, it's nice to finally meet you," Cher taunted. 

"Pleasure's all mine," he chuckled while shaking her hand. 

"We hug around here," she scoffed before pulling him into a hug. He chuckled as they pulled away and both of them turned to me. 

"So..." I trailed off. 

"Where are you coming from? I was gonna surprise you in there," Cher said, wheeling her suitcase towards my porch. 

"I was at his house," I answered. 

"And we're neighbors, that hopefully explains why she ran out barefoot," Ethan said, taking her luggage for her. 

"Thank you," Cher smiled at him. 

"Oh, crap. I forgot my keys. I'll be right back," I said, quickly jogging back over to Ethan's house and going up to his room, not just grabbing my keys, but my heels, dress, phone, everything. I got back there to Cher and Ethan laughing. Knowing her, it's probably something embarrassing about me. 

"Aren't your parents home?" she asked as I pulled the front door open. 

"They had a meeting with some clients this morning, they're probably still there," I replied. 

"On a Saturday?" she asked incredulously. 

"Same shit, different day, working weekends," I shrugged. 

"I only work 4 days a week," she bragged. 

"You run an art gallery, your work is to approve the art and then show up at exhibitions," I chuckled. 

"Don't tell people that!" she hissed, smacking my arm. "Anyway, I'm here only for three days, so I leave it up to you both to make the most of my time here," she said. 

"Only three days?" I asked, staring at her ridiculously large suitcase for only three days. 

"There's an exhibition in San Francisco I'm supposed to attend in three days, there's stuff in there for that. Fancy dresses and shit," she explained with a groan. 

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