Chapter 2

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So I avoided doing some of my other work so that I could get this chapter up. Anna and Brent speak for the first time in this chapter, but it's only over the phone. Don't worry hopefully in the next chapter they will meet! I feel like the song on the side describes Anna pretty well. I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter!

Copyright © 2012 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 2

              Brent couldn't believe he'd let his sister convince him to put an ad in that magazine. He prayed that no one read it magazine and would send him a letter. He didn't want some city girl coming and trying to fit in on his ranch. The William D. Ranch was no place for some wimpy city girl.

              The letters had been coming in like crazy for a week. Honestly when Brent had let Cassie, his sister, convince him to put in an ad, he'd thought he'd get maybe one or two replies. Nope his kitchen table was stacked with letter upon letter from desperate females. Great!

              Yeah, not really, Brent just hoped that no one else would reply to the ad. As it was he wasn't going reply to any of the dozens of letters he'd received. Brent read a couple of the letters but no of them appealed to him, it seemed as if some of the women were only after him for his land. It would be a cold day in hell when he married someone who only wanted him for his land. He didn't care how mad Cassie got at him. It just simply wasn't going to happen, he was going to put his foot down and end this whole thing.

              When Brent got home from working on the ranch later that day he grabbed the stack of mail, and before he realized what he was doing he'd ended up reading a letter from someone who had seen his ad. This Anna person seemed very interesting. She wasn't really a city girl she'd been raised on a farm, and if her picture was any indication then she was very attractive. Maybe, one of these females could fit in here.

              Brent called for Cassie to come and immediately regretted doing that. "What big brother?" She yelled as she walked down the hallway to their living room.

              He was cursing himself under his breath for calling Cassie out here. "Uh, nothing sorry I didn't mean to call you out here."

              She grinned at him. "Yup, sure big brother and my real names not Cassandra." She looked up at him with a curious expression on her face. "What's going on, does it have something to do with that letter in your hand?"

              "Uh, no."

              She could always tell when he was lying. "Are you lying to me?" She took a step towards him. "Let me see the letter."

              He had to give up some time and let her see the letter so he decided now was as good a time as any. "Fine." He handed her the letter.

              Cassie spent a few seconds reading the letter and then looking at the picture. 'She's really pretty, and she's looking for a way out of the city and back to the country. I'd say this is a win, win situation for both of you. Why don't you send her a letter back?"

              She was graced with a one worded reply. "No."

              "Why not she's perfect?"

              Brent sighed. "No Cassie I agreed to put the ad out there but I did not agree to bring one of these females here."

              "Come on Brent you're lonely and we both know it."

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