☀︎︎Chapter 1☀︎︎

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Hinata Pov:
1 Year Ago

I run through the court trying to block the set the King Of The Court Toss to his teammate...
I was late...

I heard everyone yell...
I lost...
I lost to Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High
I lost to...The King Of The Court
I lost to Kageyama Tobio

Hey Hinata!
I look over my shoulder to see Izumi

Izumi: We should get going!

Hinata: Right!
Hinata: Team!

Hinata Team: Thank you for the match!
15 mins later we start to leave the gym

Izumi: Come on Hinata know need to be sad!

Koji: Yeah they were clearly better than us.

Izumi: Koji that's not helping!

Koji: What I'm just stating facts...

Hinata: It's fine guys!

Koji: We need to start going Hinata you coming?

Hinata: I'm going to stay a little longer and watch the match.

Izumi: Okay Hinata we will see you later!

Koji: See you Hinata

Hinata: Bye Guys!
I walk over to the beach and sit down

Am I that weak...
Was it me...
Why couldn't I block his sets...

???: Yoo Carrot Top

I look up to see a boy with a Bright red hair looking down at me

Hinata: Yes?

??: Your Fast and your jumps are High but you're fairly short

Hinata: Are you making fun of me.

???: No not at all!
???: Would you like to go to shiratorizawa

Hinata: Where?

???: You don't know what shiratorizawa is?

Hinata: I think I heard of the name before...?

??: Your funny Carrot Top I'm Satori Tendo

Hinata: Shoyo Hinata

Tendo: Give me your phone

I handed him my phone

Tendo: There!

Hinata: What you do?

Tendo: I put my number in your phone I'm going to get you in shiratorizawa!

Hinata: You still didn't tell me what that is...

Tendo: Do you want to go or not
Tendo: Do you have a high school Planned?

Hinata: I don't...

Tendo: Easy Your going to shiratorizawa

Hinata: I-

Tendo: I don't take No as an answer!

Present Day

Heh Let's see how this story plays out

To be continued:)

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