[OLD] Chapter 1

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Kuoh Town - Abandoned Building


"So, this is the place huh?" I said while looking at the building.

I decided to enter the building and look around for anything.

A lot of the walls and floors were covered by blood. I saw there was a trail of blood going directly into a room.

"Guess I'll go that way" I said with a monotonous voice.

When I arrived to the room I found the person responsible of all of this.

???: "What's that smell?...it's smells like a human...".

"Hey, you're the one responsible of this aren't you?" I said to the person.

???: "It doesn't matter and who are you supposed to be?".

"My name is (Y/N) and I'm just a guy who's a hero for fun and I supposed you're a stray devil aren't you?" I said emotionless.

Stray devil: "What?..what kind of half-assed backstory is that? Well it doesn't matter you're just a normal human, I'm just gonna kill you like the rest of the oth-".

The stray devil was cut off by a punch blowing him up into pieces.

"Not again...All it took was one punch! DAMN IT!" I yelled in frustration.

Time Skip

Kuoh Town - Plaza


Has it really been three years since then? I became so powerful, no one can beat me. I'm the hero I dreamed of becoming.

So what is this? What's wrong? Why does my heart feel so empty?

Cashier: "456 yen, please".

"Okay. Oh, hang on" I said to the cashier.

There's no sign that the evils of the world are disappearing. This hasn't changed since before I became a hero.

In other words, you could say that
I haven't made any impact. I'm not necessarily sad about that. But there's something bothering me lately.

As the days pass, my emotions grow more distant. Fear, tension, joy, anger...I feel none of them anymore.

In exchange of power, maybe I've lost something that's essential for a human being?

Suddenly on my way home another stray devil appear.

Stray devil: "looks like I found another human to feast".

I used to feel all kinds of emotions.

Stray devil: "Hey baldie, are you listening to me?". (You can choose if you want to have hair or not)

whirling inside me when I fought.
Fear. Panic. Anger.

Stray devil: "Well if you're not listening, this will be more easy for me you ba-".

The stray devil is cut off by his upper body being blow up to pieces.

But now, all I need is one punch to end it.

"Guess I'll have eggs over rice tonight." I said to myself

Each day... I come home uninjured and wash my gloves. When I'm out fighting strays, I never feel as if my heart's really in it. Even after discovering the supernatural, I still feel nothing.

I mean, I just do the hero-thing
as a hobby. In other words, as long as I get a kick out of it, that's all I care about.

Kuoh Town - Unknown Location

???'s POV


I heard someone called me.

"What is it?" I said back.

???: "There was a report of a body of a stray devil in an abandoned building and it seems like it wasn't made by a supernatural being".

"Interesting, please try to find who killed the stray" I said.

???: "Yes Buchou".

I smiled at the possibility of a new potential peerage member.

[Discontinued] The Strongest Human - High School Dxd x One Punch Man ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now