☆ Chapter Three - Butterfly Effect ☆

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The cable car pulls to a stop beside us and with a quick press of the button, the doors swiftly open and we each step on one by one; eager to get out of the cold and on our way to the lodge. I smile as I sit opposite my two friends with nerves still no calmer than they had been moments ago.

It seems that with every step closer, we get to the lodge, and Josh, my anxiety heightens. I can't help worrying that he truly doesn't want me here. That me coming unannounced was a mistake I would wholeheartedly regret.

What if he became angry by my attendance? What would I do then?

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Sam's voice pulls me from the concerning thoughts reeling in my mind, her eyes soft and curious as I meet her gaze with false confidence.

"I was just thinking about how weird it is being up here and whether it was the right decision to come." I tell her through a sigh before looking out at the surrounding mountains as my hands rest in my lap.

I need to keep positive and calm. I need to pretend that I'm okay. I can do this. Just breathe and focus on the good.

"Yeah, I know the feeling." Sam agrees whilst leaning back in her seat with head turning to look at Chris, who watches me with a brotherly concern, I'm all too familiar with.

He's worried about my well-being. Of course, he is. He isn't stupid nor blind. He knows the depth of my care for the Washington family, so naturally, he has an inkling of the emotions that I must be going through right now.

Of course, I appreciate his protectiveness towards me because it often serves as a reminder that he cares. That I am important to someone other than my mother, and that my life - though hardly a thriving one - has purpose.

"I'm not sure your brain is designed to think so much. It might just explode." He remarks in an effort to cheer me up.

I allow a smile to twist on my lips as my head shakes and my ears perk up; listening to Sam as she speaks up once more. "I mean, I know Josh seemed really pumped to get us all together for the anniversary." She says before shooting me an apologetic look that I choose to wave off.

Though, I can't shake off the slight pang of hurt that shoots through my heart upon hearing it.

Josh had been happy and excited to have everyone back... everyone but me.

What am I doing here if I wasn't even invited or wanted here? This is a mistake.

"Hey, do you know how Josh and I met?" Chris asks Sam whilst sending me a smile - one that expresses his desire to change the subject for me.

I offer a smile in return and look down as Sam shakes her head at his question, having not heard about their first meeting. Meanwhile, I, myself, have heard the story of how Josh and Chris met far too many times. Mainly because it's one of Chris's favourite stories to tell people.

"Ok. Third grade. Josh sat in the back of the room, I sat at the front. We didn't even know each other existed." He begins simply as Sam nods along while listening intently to his every word. "But the kid sitting next to Josh started strap snapping the training bra on the girl in front of him, so the teacher made him move to the front - where I was sitting."

"Okay, so?"

I smile as Chris sighs, clearly unhappy that Sam hadn't understood him. "So I got moved to the back!"

"And?" Sam asks, still not understanding the point.

"He got put in the seat next to Josh. That's how they met." I explain as my gaze briefly flicks to her before returning to the view outside.

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