☆ Chapter Eight - Psychopath ☆

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I make my way back up the stairs just as Ashley and Chris approach them, both looking just as determined as I to follow through with what the supposed spirit of Beth had told us; to check the library for the proof she had claimed was hidden there. Chris offers me a warm smile which I return whilst Ashley simply avoids meeting my gaze, her feet shifting uncomfortably.

I sigh and scratch the back of my neck awkwardly before clearing my throat as I gear myself up to apologise for my previous cruel words to her. “Ash, I’m really sorry for what I said at the table. It was cruel and unnecessary but truthfully there is a deep part of me that holds resentment towards all of you who were involved in the prank. I just, things could have been different if you all had thought about what you were doing to Hannah that night.”

She lifts her head to look at me and sighs softly, her shoulders visibly deflating. “You have every right to feel that way, she was one of your best friends. What we did was mean and at the time we were stupid and didn’t think about it from her perspective.”

“No, you really didn’t.” I mumble before placing a hand on her shoulder. “But at least you can acknowledge that your actions were wrong and hopefully it can prove to be a valuable lesson for future. So, are we good?”

She nods with a small smile, “we’re good.”

“Great, can we go find this proof now?” I nod in response to Chris, whilst stepping away from Ash and towards the stairs once more. “Do you think we were really talking with the girls?” he asks.

I shrug, “if we weren’t then whoever is responsible for that little show back there was one heck of an actor in desperate need of an oscar.”

“Yeah, seriously.” Ash whispers as she follows my movements of scooping up a lit candle from the table so we can see where we are going.

“Well, there is only one way to find out.” Chris gestures to the stairs and begins to descend them, urging us to follow him silently which we do.

“Josh looked really freaked out at the séance, is he okay?”

“He will be. He just needs some space to clear his head.” I reassure whilst following behind Chris.

“Do you think we should have mentioned his sisters?”

“Well, it’s why we came up here.”

“Yeah, but not to do a séance or whatever. Maybe we went too far.” Ashley worries aloud just as we come to the bottom of the stairs.

I lead the way in the direction of the library only to stop when my eyes fall to the small vent in the wooden flooring below our feet, my brows knit in confusion as I walk closer to it and crouch down. I lift the metal top and tilt my head at the light emitting from the room below it, however I’m unable to see what is going on in said room because there are wooden boards blocking the view.

“Hey, guys are you seeing this? I thought the power was off?” I call out anxiously.

“It is.” Chris replies whilst staring at the vent. “that’s weird.”

“Like really freaking weird,” Ash agrees.

I nod in agreement and with one last lingering look at the light below, I close the vent and stand upright. “Remind me to mention that to Josh later,” I mutter to Chris who nods. “Will do.”

We eventually come upon the library and hesitantly enter it, each of us on high alert and anxious of what we could potentially find. What if someone really had killed the twins? What if we were to uncover evidence that could lead to answers in the investigation of the twins disappearance? What if closure was just a few steps away? What if...

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