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"Forty-eight, Forty-nine, Fifty," Jonas counted down.

Kelvin gave up on 'Fifty' and slackened his body, letting me down gradually. He had been giving pushups with me sitting on his back.

"You were supposed to do till hundred, Xav Bro!" Jonas reminded.

"You first give ten, then I'll give a hundred," Kelvin countered.

"Yessss, now June's turn!" I exclaimed with ardour.

I was enjoying the whole thing after all.

"Not a great deal at all," Jonas bluffed.

Jonas flexed his biceps and took his position in a proud manner while I settled on his back with zeal.

"One...two...three...four...five," Kelvin started the countdown.

Jonas plummeted down to the floor with a sharp thud at 'Five'. As expected, I lost my balance and fell too.

"Someone just said it wasn't a great deal," Kelvin jested as he helped me get up.

"You're heavy Amy!" Jonas tried to shift the blame on me.

"Did you just call me fat!" I roared, feeling offended.

"Am I actually heavy?" I asked Kelvin with a threatening look.

"Good question," he bantered.

I stepped on his foot as a punishment for saying that.

"Let me finish first-" he said after an 'Ouch'.

"How do you think I carried you from the forest till here, that too with a bullet wound in my arm, if you were heavy?" he chuckled.

My face went scarlet as I smiled like a dimwit.

A beep sound vibrated from the table, to which Kelvin instantly responded. Mr. Detective never missed a call from work.

When Kelvin had left the room to answer the call, I sat down beside Jonas to tell him about last day's incident. Bruno hopped from the treadmill and settled on my lap with his tongue hanging out in exhaustion. Apparently, Kelvin had been giving my pet 'fitness training' which Bruno surprisingly seemed to enjoy.

"You threw the pipe!" Jonas exclaimed after I was done narrating the whole incident.

"Yep, and he didn't pick it up again," I shrugged.

"Do you realize that he's actually changing because of you, Amy?" he smiled.

"He said that I'm stubborn like him," I revealed with a blush.

"Let me prepare the wedding bells already," Jonas teased, nudging me by the elbow like always.

Before I could reply back, my phone rang. It was a call from Brian. After so long...

I didn't miss a single second in picking up the call. I was hearing his voice after weeks.

"How are you?" I asked in a feeble tone.

"Not really great, how have you been?" he replied.

"I heard that you live in the detective's house now."

"Yea. At least it doesn't feel suffocating here," I muttered. "So, where are you now?"

"Still in my grandma's house."

So he never returned to Valdez Mansion as well.

"By the way Amy, I got to know about the will. The property is going to Uncle Nick's name now, right?"

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