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______ die with you.

AND I'M A MAN OF MY WORD______ die with you

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KENJI SIGHED, bagging the last of the woman's items

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KENJI SIGHED, bagging the last of the woman's items. She worked at a small convenience store, 7eleven. It was a very boring job but she liked it that way.

"I can't wait to go home and lay down." Her coworker, Nadia, commented

"Very much relatable." Kenji chuckled, reverting her eyes to the old lady "Your total is eight dollars and fourty nine cent."

The lady digged in her purse before handing Kenji the money. She placed it in the cash register as the woman walked away.

"I have to pee Ken, cover for me." Nadia said, heading towards the back of the store

"Okay." Kenji replied, subjecting weight to her left leg. Her eyes glanced around the empty quiet store aimlessly, she sighed

Perking up slightly when the doors slid open, she cleared her throat at the regular customer, Blake Vega, better known as Ghost- but to her he was just Siah.

"Hey Siah." She waved with a friendly smile

"Wassup." Ghost rasped out, dark eyes landing on her figure behind the counter. His deep voice causing multiple butterflies to flutter in her stomach.

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