Chapter 2: Nothing To See Here!

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Twenty minutes passed before Fundy arrived at the scene. His ginger hair was matted from the humidity, his signature black jacket wrinkled from the last-minute notice. He placed his hands on his hips, gazing at the vehicle. "What the hell is he doing in there?" The ginger squinted his eyes, attempting to peek through the boarded-up windows. "Tubbo's in there too?"

Suddenly, the door swung open and the two boys exited the caravan, astounded at what they had uncovered. Sapnap, noticing Fundy out of the corner of his eye, turned to face him. The scene had attracted an audience, which was exactly what he needed to prove Wilbur and Tommy guilty, "Fundy? What the hell are you doing here?"

Fundy raised a brow, unamused, "The better question is what are you two doing in Wilbur's van? Cooking drugs, perhaps?"

Sapnap scoffed, rolling his eyes in utter disbelief, "Oh, this is rich! You're framing us, Wilbur?!"

Fundy looked back and forth between each group, no longer confident about who was in the wrong. Before he could question anything further, Sapnap put his arm around Fundy's shoulder and murmured to him in private.

"Listen, I'm gonna give you the real story of what's going on here, okay? Not some bullshit story." Fundy shrugged, feeling incredibly on the fence about what he was to believe. Sapnap exhaled, looking him in the eye. "Wilbur and Tommy are collecting all the potions and brewing stands in town and turning them into a drug production empire." Fundy's face contorted into one of confusion, taking a step back, "That's the same story I was just told!"

"You want proof? I'll give you proof," Sapnap huffed as he began to make his way towards the door until Tommy swooped in with his hands extended outward, blocking the door. "Fundy, he's corrupting you!" Tommy interjected, "Come on now, we wouldn't lie!"

Fundy took a step back and crossed his arms, his glare alternating between each duo as he scanned for a trace of a lie. Each side seemed equally convincing, so he was forced to come to his conclusion. "I'm going to remain neutral in this dispute until I get concrete evidence that one of you is telling the truth."

Wilbur sighed in defeat as he approached Fundy and gently placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch in surprise, "Fundy...I think I should tell you the truth."

"The truth?" Fundy repeated.

"About my hot dog van."

Everyone, including Tommy, stood bewildered, completely thrown for a loop. Tommy's mouth gaped open as he quirked a brow, entirely lost. The best he could do at this rate was play along with his brother's crazy scheme.

"I'm just trying to start a nice industry selling delicious hot dogs, and along come Sapnap and Tubbo trying to frame me for being a drug dealer! It's utterly ridiculous!" He folded his arms, winking at Tommy. Tommy was hesitant, but he figured this was the best option. He sprung up as he beamed at Fundy with a twinkle in his eyes. "Exactly! We're a blooming business and here they are trying to destroy their competition. Such poor sportsmanship, gentleman."

Tubbo crossed his arms in disbelief, beginning to get really ticked off at how many directions this story had taken. He made his way toward the rear of the caravan, gesturing for Fundy to follow. "Fundy, come look. You can even see it from back here!"

"See what, exactly?" Fundy questioned as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, following the boy toward the back of the vehicle.

"The kitchen!" Tubbo croaked, "Y'know, where they cook-"

Wilbur interrupted, "-Hot dogs!"

"-Drugs!" Tubbo burst out.

Wilbur shuffled over toward Tommy and began to nudge him along towards the door, "Tommy, get inside." He ushered the boy inside the caravan and locked the door tight leaving Sapnap and Tubbo banging on the door, the sound echoing throughout the van. Now that they were out of sight, Tommy began to freak. "What do we do, Wilbur?! We're cornered!"

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