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Instead of going straight downstairs the next morning, I decided to stay in my room for a while. I was still keeping my distance from John. After all, I had to work on my papers to give to Dylan because I hadn't brought any with me to L.A.. He didn't give me any prompts to write about, so I just started a couple pieces about topics I liked, like the impacts of some of my favorite artists. I finished four papers in a few hours and headed downstairs for some lunch. Uncle Chad was gone, so I was assuming everyone was at the studio. I sighed with relief and started making a sandwich. Just then, I got a call. It was Dylan. He said that he was coming over to pick me up in a few hours so we could hang out before the party. I was glad to have something else to distract me. I finished lunch and started getting ready.

That evening, I arrived to the party with Dylan in a mini red satin slip dress. I looked around and all the guys were wearing graphic tees with baggy jeans; the girls were dressed in tight shirts and mini skirts. I was extremely overdressed and felt so embarrassed. Thankfully, it didn't seem to be a problem, as a few of Dylan's friends walked right up to us and didn't even mention my outfit.

The only girl introduced herself to me first. "Hi, I'm Lyla," she said, extending her hand for me to shake. She had thin eyebrows, over-lined eyes, and a pink pixie haircut. She was easygoing and comforting, and she made me feel less nervous about being there.

Dylan's other two friends in front of us introduced themselves next. "Hey, I'm Lennon," said the first guy, also reaching for my hand.

"Wow, I love your name!" I said genuinely, shaking his hand. He shyly said 'thanks' and looked down immediately, blushing.

Lastly, I turned to the final friend standing in front of me. He only looked at me, saying nothing. "I'm Cass," I started to say, but he interrupted me.

"I know who you are." He stopped talking, expecting me to say something else.

"And you are?" I asked, slightly annoyed and confused. He seemed like a real douche.

"You can call me Rocky." He said it as if it wasn't his real name; he had just made it up on the spot.

"O-Ok, Rocky, nice to meet you." He was honestly starting to creep me out; he hadn't broken eye contact with me the whole conversation. I just wanted to go off with Lyla and get away from him. She seemed to read my mind right in that moment. She walked behind Dylan and took my hand. She mumbled something, but I couldn't hear her. Rocky's eyes followed me as we walked.

"Sorry about that, Rocky likes to scare people when he first meets them. I promise he's not really like that, he's just joking," Lyla said.

"Oh..." I replied. My thoughts trailed off. I didn't really know what to say or think. I couldn't decide if I was still creeped out by him or not. Thankfully, I didn't have to wonder much longer. Lyla called the bartender over and ordered drinks for each of us.

Lyla and I also had a lot in common. I could see how she and Dylan were friends. After we had talked for a long time and I had finally calmed down again, Dylan walked over with Lennon and Rocky behind him. I tensed up at first, but Rocky seemed different this time. He didn't look intimidating and his eyes weren't glued wide open. He was smiling genuinely and seemed just as easygoing as Lyla. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Cassie, I'm sorry about earlier. I was just trying to scare you, I hope I didn't freak you out too much."

"No, no, not at all," I replied. We had only just met and I didn't want to judge him. Besides, I still needed to make more new friends in L.A.. He started gently massaging my shoulder with one of his hands and leaned over to give Lyla a kiss on the cheek. Just then, a loud and fast-paced song came on. Rocky quickly turned his head over to me with his eyebrows raised.

"Come on, Cassie," Rocky said, smiling and backing up, gesturing for me to come with him towards the dance floor. I was hesitant and looked to Lyla for approval. She nodded her head and motioned me off. I took Rocky's extended hand in mine and he pulled me in so closely that our chests were touching. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and looked down at me. He must've been around 5'11, and he actually had really pretty eyes. He was even a good dancer. I could feel myself blushing and looked at the ground. He leaned over and got closer to my face. He smiled at me and started kissing my neck. I was surprised and almost fell over from flinching. He pulled back quickly with a concerned look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, is that not okay? I'm sorry, I should've asked-" he started.

I just grinned and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him into a kiss. He was shocked, but his lips lingered on mine. He stood back for a second, only to grab my hand and lead me into a back room.

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