{Chapter 4} Julia+Raven method

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Hello my cuties, I'm back with another chapter!
This time it's the Julia+Raven method.

I recently found out about this method and DAMNNNNN
This is the most effective one for me yet. (BAD ENGLISH AHH)

I'm gonna tell you how I did this method and what I heard/felt while doing this method.

1. (Not necessary) MEDITATE!
If you can't focus easily then you should try to meditate, you can find guided medidate videos on YouTube.

2. Lay in a comfortable position.
Some people may give you wrong information about this but PICK A COMFY POSITION!
Shifting should be comfy and not "forced" or "painful".

3. Count from 100 to 0. Or 0 to 100 but from 100 to 0 was the most effective one for me!
After each number say an affirmation such as: "I am now in my desired reality".

4. Once you're at 0/100 you can visualise or/and repeat affirmations until you're asleep or when you feel that you're there.

It's such an easy method but I had many signs!

~I heard a weird wind noise.
~My arms and legs were IMMEDIATELY numb.
~I swear that I heard someone talk.
~I had this weird feeling in my stomach as if you're falling yk?
~I felt things around me change, as if I just flied into my desired reality.

Tysm for reading this chapter!
I enjoyed writing it and I wish you luck with shifting!

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