The Makeunder

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Another episode and on independence day! Happy The 4th! How you guys feeling?

Of course, with another day, means another episode. I wonder if Reef can even be fit into this one!

Cause it feels it's all about Guy Diamond this time. So, how even are we gonna fit Reef into this one?

I can't tell, but after this episode, fireworks, sparklers and fun! Try not to get burned tho, like I did. One time I was holding one of the sticks that shoots fireworks, and it accidentally came out on the other end, and burned my arm. Be careful this holiday season.

Can you believe it? We're almost done with this season. It's been a long time, but at least I'm getting it finished within these spew of days. So, without further ado, should we continue our story.

You fine with that? You don't mind spending a bit of time? No? Good! With that out of the way, let's start!

"The Makeunder"

Our story starts with Lownote Jones, just casually being funky as usual, taking a stroll.

That is until a bug comes into view with an envelope.

Lownote Jones: Huh? Well, well, what have we here? "To: Lownote Jones". *chuckles* Well played, envelope, consider Lownote Jones intrigued.

Before he opens the envelope...

Queen Poppy: Lownote, wait! That's an invitation for Guy Diamond's birthday party, and he always makes a huge deal out of his birthday! That is the most mind-blowing invitation you will ever open!

Lownote Jones: Really?

He slowly opens it, nothing happens.

Lownote Jones: Hmm... "Please come to my party! Guy." Hmm, it seems what you Pop Trolls call overwhelming, we Funk Trolls would call downright customary. What a delicious cultural exchange!

Surprisingly, the card holds up a shiny disco ball, and an eagle soars to pick him up.

Lownote Jones: Well, now, Lownote Jones stands corrected!

Before you know it, he is dropped where a cart picks him up. A flower microphone pops up. Guy was the voice.

Guy Diamond: Once a year, on a very special night, Guy Diamond becomes the one thing he's always aspired to be... the undisputed center of attention! So, sit back and relax as we present your invitation to... The Eyes on Guy Gala!

Lownote is stunned as the cart is pushed into a very shiny room, filled with, what else? Shiny things and Guy Diamonds galore!

Out of the cave, Poppy was waiting for him.

Queen Poppy: See what I mean by a huge deal?

Lownote Jones: Indeed, I do. And I am very, very concerned about it.

Queen Poppy: Concerned? Why?

Lownote Jones: Because Guy Diamond will never be the center of attention at his birthday... I will... Let's walk, Poppy.

Queen Poppy: Okay.

Reef's Adventures in Trollstopia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now