My Perfect Inconvenience

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For Him it's only ''Kun Fa Yakoon'' keep praying for what you want. Possibility and impossibility are merely concepts of your mind and to Allah nothing is impossible. We can get anything we want, but only if He wants. There is no limit to asking Him. He loves to be asked by His servants.



Glancing over his wristwatch for the hundredth time, he wished that the night would miraculously end so they would all leave and he wouldn't have to keep looking at people he didn't know or exchanging tiresome pleasantries with the ones that he knew as he sat at the farthest end of the splendidly decorated hall.

He didn't like wedding receptions. It was probably because of having to sit and mingle with strangers that he didn't know, or having to listen to too long and mostly, boring speeches, or was it sitting through all the ridiculous sets of dances, but there was just something about weddings and receptions that Mukhtar only found jading and not appealing, but being the groom's best friend, he was obliged to go through all the tedious processions.

The young girls who kept parading around him, shamelessly checking him out and hoping to get his attention, only added to his irritation. He had never been one to seek a girl out, let alone at a wedding. The girls he had been with were the ones that asked him out, and well, if one happens to be smart enough, he would date her and as soon as she becomes too demanding, and by demanding, it means wanting more than he could offer, wanting a bit of his heart, his heart which wouldn't get involved even if he wanted it to, it just wouldn't move for any girl, and at some point, he gave up, believing that he didn't have one.

"M.J what are you doing sitting here? A male voice asked and when he raised his large sleepy-like eyes which most girls found incredibly sexy, he found Ahmad, one of their squad members standing on him, "It's photoshoots time, the groomsmen are next and Al'amin asked me to find you" Ahmad said.

"I don't feel like it, why don't you guys just go ahead" he said, putting down his head, and Ahmad gave him a disapproving look.

"Come on man, stop being a recluse Mana. you have barely participated in anything, you haven't eaten, you haven't been on the dance floor and you refused to join us at the front where the seats for groomsmen are reserved, you just isolated yourself here doing God knows what" Then an idea came to him and he added "I wonder what Al'amin would think when he learns that you felt forced to attend his wedding"

"I never said that I was forced to attend the wedding" he immediately protested.

"Well, your actions surely indicate that and I can assure you that I am not the only one getting that idea, So, if you don't want anyone implying that, I suggest you take your ass off that chair and let's go" Ahmad urged. Mukhtar regarded him for a while and sighed in exasperation.

"Okay, I will be there"

"No, we go together" Ahmad asserted and Mukhtar gave him a wary look, thinking about how he was hell-bent on getting him out of his manageable comfort zone. He gave a defeated sigh

"Fine," he said getting up in his 6'6 ft and walking up to where the bride and groom were seated.

"I was beginning to wonder how we would go back home when I searched the crowd and couldn't find our driver, where did you disappear to?" Al'amin, the groom asked as Mukhtar squatted beside him and posed for a shot.

"I was beginning to wonder how we would go back home when I searched the crowd and couldn't find our driver, where did you disappear to?" Al'amin, the groom asked as Mukhtar squatted beside him and posed for a shot

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