Lets Be Sisters Again

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Be careful about wanting what others have. There is always a price. Perhaps God didn't give it to you because he knew you wouldn't be able to pay it.

Yasmin Mogahed


Hajiya Amina got into her husband's apartment which was located on the other side of the house. She salaamed and stepped in carrying a tea tray. His bold voice creaked as he answered her, not from cold or cough, but in such a way that matched his stern and cold personality. He didn't look up to her as he was absorbed with the news he was following on NTA. Hajiya Amina dropped the tray on the stool next to him and she looked over to the TV to see what got her husband immersed. The headlines read 'No hope in sight to ending or suspending the strike - ASUU Directs Members to Seek Alternative Means of Survival'. She snorted before commenting.

"Wannan kasar dai sai gyaran Allah, first it was SARS and brutality, then covid palliative looting of warehouses for the foodstuff that was supposed to be distributed to the lessers, now it's ASUU and federal government"

Alhaji Ibrahim looked over to her and replied,

"That is what happens when we keep hurling insults and curses at our leaders instead of praying for our country". He said passively before adding, "They said University lecturers should seek other jobs, I will ask Sakeena to employ you in SSS, you can look after those kids in the nursery".

His face was rigid as he made the statement but Hajiya Amina could depict the humor in it and she laughed before responding

"How nice of you to think about my welfare Baban Sakeena, Thanks, but no thanks. I am managing just fine". she said, sounding comical.

"Don't say I did not offer" He smirked.

"Naji, nagode. I just feel sorry for the poor students, after spending more than half a year at home doing nothing and waiting for this pandemic to pass only to fall victim to this unending strike again. It is just too bad". she said, her face turning a bit somber as she prepared a cup of tea for him.

"It's good for Salma to have finished school last year and didn't get caught up in it," he said.

Hajiya Amina saw that statement as an opportunity to bring up Salma and Mukhtar and she wisely deviated the topic to it.

"Ai Salma Kam ta wuce wurin, yanzu abinda ya rage mata aure, you know Mukhtar's elders said that they want to come in and make things formal, nace toh ai dama abinda ya kamata kenan". She waited to hear his response but he kept looking at the TV as though he didn't hear a word she said.

"Tell them I said they should not come". He finally stated. Hajiya Amina paused from what she was doing and leaned against the chair.

"Baban Sakeena why would you say that?, these people seek to make an alliance with you ai they don't deserve to get turned off so casually, give them an audience at least and then you can address them and tell them the reason for your denial politely, magana mai kyau ai tana da dadi..."

"I won't see them". He cut, dryly and conclusively.

Hajiya Amina gave a frustrated sigh. "Toh ai shikenan, she is your daughter, after all, just remember that she is not getting any younger and good proposals are hard to find these days", she lamented in annoyance, thinking how someone can be so difficult and impossible to reason with, but then knowing her husband, such attitude is expected from him. He would make an unbending rule in unnecessary situations and rule out the imperative ones without as much courtesy of an explanation. Hajiya Amina knew that she should be used to that but she couldn't, it just isn't right and that habit of his always exasperated her.

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