Oh Kennedy, Again

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"I- umm... if- no... uhhhh" Freddie stumbled, like a bubble headed himbo minus the good qualities. 

"You fucking bird brained idyiot." Neil mustered, "do you know any music besides your own???"

"Well, I am how'd do the Americant's say it... The Man?" What an ironic twist.

"That's it, I'm blowing the poorly hygienic, crooked, English teeth off this bleached anus. And I put that on TSwizzle!" Neil said while admitting very angry bird sounds, until the point that his intestines begin unraveling slowly out of his beak,,

--And out of nowhere the skies turned golden as Gjod called down.--


"Gjod?" Freddie said while wetting his pants, the drip was immaculate. (It should be noted that Freddie has an affinity for scooters.)

"Look at little piss boy, don't go chasin waterfalls am I right?" Lewis sang.

"Yes, it is I- Taylor Swift." Only such a pristine, perfectly calibrated being could be the higher power we know as the one and only Gjod.

"She's NoT GjOd!" Lewis yelled.

"Two albums in A SINGLE YEAR BITCH. Whatcha know ab that vibe." (It was true... it took Lewis approximately 5 years to drop an "album")

"Don't try to stop me Gjod. I have to do this, for my thick bitty wifums, for my full throttled children, and for YEW (Happy Birthday btw :))" Neil confessed.

"I actually came down to watch! :DDD, I hate this greased haired mother fvcker. Literally he fvcked your mom Neil."

"OH MY GGJJJODD!" His emasculated wing began to shake as he took in this information.

"It's true, she tasted better as dinner though." An ill timed and completely sociopathic as always comment on behalf of Freddie.

"When this pistol whips your mouth they'll call you brace face." An irrelevant but classic comment from Neil.

"WoRld, WoRlD, WoRld, WORLD STARR" Lewis chanted.

Neil used one of his feathered tips to break the jaw of Freddie which put him on his knees, with the pistol in his throat, Neil was ready to bust his face to a million little molecules.

"NO PLEASE!!!!" Yelled Kennedy. "PLEASE, just hear me out."

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