The Foreseeable End

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"Kill me! Kill me!!! Not him!" Kennedy shrieked.

"You would give up your life, for someone like him?" Lewis squeaked, still paralyzed and laying abandoned on the side walk.

"You don't know a thing about him."

"STOP with the Twilight monologue this is so nerdy and embarrassing" Gjod chimed in.

Gjod then outstretched her blessed hand and guided Neil's wing on the trigger.

"Goodbye Freddie." Neil said releasing not one, but twenty thousand bullets into Freddie's meat limped shuttle.

"NOOOO!" Lewis and Kennedy cried in unison.

"Hahahjahjah HAKAHAKHAJA" Gjod and Neil cackled, madly in unison.

Freddie yelled out "IM SHOT! IM SHOT!" As he lay on his garden sidewalk bleeding out and nurturing the plants.

After some time cops filled the mansion, first to help Freddie and soon they began discovering obscure possessions.

Neil had long flown away and a police officer had bent down to Freddie to assess the damage.

"You are Freddie Star." Said the police man with a slight raised tone.


"I wasn't asking, but you're for sure dying soon bro"

"Cant you help him?" Lewis, finally given crutches, cried while making angels in the blood..

"Even if he lived he'd spend years behind bars for his weird BDSM cages and chains in the master bedroom. He's got pictures of some ratty ass girl tied up with a green greasy bandana."

Kennedy quakes with nervousness as the girl is most likely her.

"Wait a second, that's her! Guys the rat faced hobo in those pics, she's right here!"

"Omg just as crusty as she was in those pics!" The second cop shouted.

"Are there any pics of me?" Lewis asked.

"No. However we did recover a diary. Are you Lewis?" At this new Lewis was ecstatic.

"Yes! What did he say?!?"

"He said you're like a cancer that keeps redeveloping. And that your leg hair smells like jalapeños."

"OMG, I knew he loved me." Lewis was unaware these were all bad things.

"GURGSHAJ" Freddie began choking on the blood rising in his throat.

"What did he say? Is he calling for me?"

"Um, no Lewis. It's probably best we arrest you as an accomplice in the BDSM torture and kidnapping of this opossum." Said the cop.

"I thought we decided she was a rat." Said cop #2.

"It's all the same to me." Kennedy blushed. "But if you don't mind me asking, will Neil have to pay for his crimes?"

"Actually, we spoke to the eye witness (Gjod) and she says that Neil was actually working to eliminate the antichrist." 

"That man is a savior!" -Cop #2

"Anyhow, Freddie Star is now officially dead. So we're gonna take the twink and go."

"Can I at least kiss him goodbye?" A questionable and necrophiliac type comment from Lewis.

"No. We ought to leave his body here for the bird to eat, you know with the new environmental laws the government put in place!"

Just then Gjod sent down a lightening bolt which completely disintegrated Freddie's body. His ashes began raining down over the dreary town and the people danced.

The foreseeable end. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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