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February 3rd.

shirabu stared at the chocolate he just received, he was honestly shocked as to why he was still getting the chocolates. he expected them to stop after like the first day. but no, he got one again today.

you're driving me crazy.

these notes confused the boy so much. rolling his eyes, he threw the chocolate and the note in the trash before walking out of his homeroom.

semi was still ignoring him, for what reason? he still doesn't know. he was growing more annoyed every time semi would run away after he tried talking to him.

every time he tried asking taichi or satori or ANYONE on the volleyball team, they would snicker or laugh, then shrug. he was so close to slapping taichi one day.

as he turned the corner, there he was leaning up against the wall. semi instantly moved from the wall, with a grin on his face as he walked up to the younger boy.

"hey short~ra~b- ow ! what was that for ?" shirabu glared at the boy who was now holding his arm. does he think he can just ignore me for no reason without an explanation?

"oh uh sorry for ignoring you. I promise I'll make it up to you! I'll buy you shirasu." semi's smile grew as he watched shirabu's eyes light up. semi knew bribing him with his favorite was gonna make him break.

"fine." shirabu crossed his arms. the two walked to shirabu's next class in silence. shirabu glanced over at semi every once and a while, he would never admit this to anyone, but he missed semi.

"oh? you didn't get a chocolate today ?" the two were now in front of shirabu's class.

shirabu nodded. "I did. but it made absolutely no sense, so I threw it away." semi bit down on his lip, trying to stop from frowning.

"Anyway, after practice we can go get shirasu. meet me at the gates." shirabu nodded. he waved a simple bye to semi then walked into the class, taking his seat next to taichi.

"I see you and lover boy made up." taichi smirked at the boy who just sat next to him, making a blush appear on his face.

"Oh shut up."


shirabu sighed loudly as he slipped off his uniform tie. school was slowly but surely killing him like he was so drained.

he changed into shorts and a hoodie before taking a seat at his desk and attempting to do Japanese homework.

10 minutes later, he slammed his head against the table. he finished the worksheet, but he was almost certain he did it wrong. right about now, he was wishing he let semi help him.

practice was ending soon so he slipped his shoes on, walking out. he told taichi beforehand, where he was going so taichi wasn't surprised when he got back to the dorms with no shirabu.

he stood in front of the school gates, hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face. he was sure practice ended 5 minutes ago and still no semi. he planned on waiting 2 more minutes before he went back to his dorm and cursed out semi over the phone.

fortunately, semi popped up behind him panting. his hair flapping around due to the semi-cold breeze, his cheeks tinted light pink. shirabu stared at the boy who had his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"what took you so long ?"

"Sorry! satori was bothering me." understandable.

the two walked to the nearest diner and order their food. of course, shirabu got his shirasu and water, while semi just stuck to just water.

they sat across from each other in a booth that was nearest to the window. why? because shirabu said he likes to eat and watch the scenery outside.

shirabu finally finished his food, pushing the plate towards the boy who was just scrolling on his phone, grabbing his attention.

"so why were you ignoring me ?"

"I wasn't. I was busy."

"do I look like goshiki to you? do you think you can lie to me ?" semi broke eye contact with the boy and stared outside. shirabu's eyes didn't leave his face.

semi was conflicted, he couldn't tell shirabu the real reason why he ignored him, but he honestly didn't like lying to the boy either. but did he have a choice?

"I was busy, I had missing assignments to do." shirabu leaned back in the chair, looking the boy up and down. then nodded. he wasn't 100% sure that was the truth, but semi wasn't gonna change his answer.

semi walked shirabu to his dorm in silence. just the slight sounds of their feet hitting the floor.

"i-i don't think you should throw the chocolate away, ya know? your secret admirer wouldn't be happy if they saw it in the trash." semi fidgeted with his hands, standing in front of the shorter boy. shirabu simply shrugged.

"it's not like I'm gonna return their feelings anyway. goodnight though." and with that shirabu left a slightly hurt semi standing in front of his door.

- the ending was kinda ass
- but like yeah👍🏾
- I had chipotle today after years !!
- ignore any mistakes .

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