Aftermatch of Class poll Exam

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*We're going to react to when the director is introduced which is after the class poll*

Afterward, I found out that I had received an email on my phone.

"When does this take place?"

"After the class poll exam"

"Sakayanagi, huh?"

"Why did she contact you? And why right after the class poll?" asked Horikita

"You'll find out"

I didn't know how she found out about my email address, but I figured I might as well go and meet up with her.

I had thought that she would come and see the results on the bulletin board, but...

As per Sakayanagi's message, I headed toward the special building where she said she'd be waiting.

Even though it was almost past the time she had requested for us to meet, I figured that if I left now, we'd still be able to run into each other.

Once I got to the special building, I immediately went to the place where we had talked last time.

"So you finally came."

"Seeing that you have my email address, you must have gotten your hands on my phone number as well."

"That's kind of creepy even for you princess" commented Hashimoto

"I didn't call because I didn't think it would be much of an issue if I didn't get to see you today."

"What do you want?"

"For the time being, there's something I'd like to explain to you."

"Is this about Yamuchi's expulsion?" questioned Ike

"Fufu yes it is well at least partly" replied Sayanagi

"Why did you even target Yamuchi?"

"Oh he was annoying and we can say it was payback" grinned Sakayanagi

Sudo and Ike looked like they wanted to say something but kept their mouths shut. They also did not want to suffer the same fate as their friend.

As she spoke, she leaned forward a little bit on her cane, shortening the distance between us.

"Since I had done something a little bit disorderly, I thought you might be somewhat uneasy, but it seems my worries were uncalled for."

"How can you tell if he's worried he looks the same as ever" asked one of the students

"You could say we have a special type of bond"

"Now that I think about it Ayanokoji didn't do anything when he found out he was being targeted," said Shinohara

"Yeah isn't that cool that he didn't panic like at all when he found out he was being targeted" admired Sato. It seemed she still liked him even after she found out he had a girlfriend.

"This is the part where the protagonist acts like he has no idea what's going on but he's actually manipulating everyone" speculated the professor. The professor was again right.

Of course, Sakayanagi was referring to how she had manipulated Yamauchi into concentrating all the censure votes on me.

"When you talked to me about delaying our match, I was already ninety-percent certain you were telling the truth. I just didn't trust you completely, so I took some measures of my own, just in case."

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