Kei Birthday

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*We're going to react when Ayankoji gives Kei a birthday present*

"To ease the mood we're going to react to something a little different"

"Wait what do you mean by "different"

"Well you'll find out later so it doesn't matter and this is during the "commander" special exam"

*Video Starts*

"...and that should be about everything." In just under ten minutes, I got pretty much all of the necessary information I needed from Kei.

"Karuizawa what are you doing with Ayankoji?" asked Sato

"We were just discussing stuff about the special exam" Kei replied

"Hey. Are you sure you don't need to take any notes or something? Even if you beg, I'm not gonna explain everything all over again, okay?" "It's fine." "You're sayin' you've got it all memorized?" "More or less."

"Wait what is she talking about?" asked a random student

"She's talking about information on some students"

"I though Horikita did everything," asked Sudo

"She did most of it, I just gave her some information" I responded 

"Oh wooow. How totally impressive." Kei praised me, but the way she did so made it seem like she didn't really mean it. "Anyway, our opponent is Class A this time, right? Isn't it gonna be super hard for you?" "I'm not the one who'll be competing. That'll be up to you and the rest of the class. Just because I can intervene as the commander doesn't mean I'll always be able to turn around a difficult situation. In fact, I should be the one asking if you'll be okay?"

"You sound like a concerned boyfriend" commented Sakayagaki

"B-b-b-boyfriend" stammered Airi

"M-me? I..." She tried to say something, but the words seemed to get stuck in her throat.

"I wonder what it is you're trying to say to make you stutter" inquired Shinhora

"...Could you make sure I don't have to participate?" "I'm not the only one who gets to decide on that. Depending on what Class A does, you might even need to participate twice." "No no no, there's totally no way. I'm not good at studying and I'm terrible at sports!" She shook her head frantically, emphasizing that she didn't want to be forced to participate.

"I think you would do fine" backed up, Sato

"Thanks but I think there are plenty of other qualified people for that" Kei replied

"If it's you, Kiyotaka, I'm sure you can beat Sakayanagi-san!" With this, she looked at me with a thumbs-up. She probably just wanted to avoid participating and prevent taking on any responsibility for the outcome. However, not even Kei could grasp the true extent of my abilities.

"Wait why are you calling each other by each other first names.?" questioned Shinhora

"Oh yeah, you guys are calling each other by each other's first name" pointed out Ike. A lot of the boys looked at me with jealousy in their eyes while Haruka was trying to stop Airi from hyperventilating. Kei started turning red and wouldn't be able to speak without stuttering.

I know Ayankoji and Kurizawa have a relationship but how far is their relationship. He said he confessed to her and she rejected him but it looks like she's head over heels for him so I can't believe what he told me thought Matsushita.

*Group chat without Kiyotaka*

Akito: I don't know much about relationships but I think Kurizawa likes him

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