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Tommy finally shifted into the house about three weeks later, and we planned to have a barbecue dinner to celebrate their move.

"Cheers to a new start!" Tubbo said as he held up a champagne glass filled with fizzy apple juice. He didn't like the taste of alcohol so he always just pretended that fizzy apple juice was champagne.

"Cheers!" We all said as we clung our cans and glasses together. Tommy was drinking a can of Coca Cola while I was drinking red wine out of a wine glass. I realised I was the only one that was drinking alcohol which was a tad weird but I didn't care.

"So how are you guys going to announce your move to your fans?" I asked as I picked up a piece of steak and ate it.

"Probably a stream," Tubbo replied with his mouth full.

"I was thinking of filming a video of us going to stores to get furniture and all those things, since we don't have much here," Tommy suggested to Tubbo.

"I can help you guys film if you want," I voiced out.

"But Y/N you have such a packed schedule, will you have time for this?" Tubbo asked as he took a sip of apple juice.

"The company has already taken off, I don't need to micromanage it anymore," I said taking a bite out of another piece of steak.

"Wow, the world's youngest millionaire is offering to be our camerawoman," Tommy joked.

"Well, she is a big fan," Tubbo continued the joke. I rolled my eyes and laughed at them.

"Yes, Tommyinnit do your shoes need shining? Tubbo, do you need coffee?" I said in a mocking tone.

A week after the dinner, Tommy and Tubbo finalised the furniture they wanted to get and listed down the places to get them. So the three of us set off early in the morning to start filming.

"HELLO EVERYONE," Tommy came extremely close to the camera I was holding and shouted. I shifted the camera away towards Tubbo to let him speak.

"We moved in together!" Tubbo said holding his left arm out to show the house.

"So today we will be taking you furniture shopping with us," Tommy said enthusiastically.

We then left the house to head off to a local furniture store to get their bed frames and couch. They didn't have a bed this whole week, so I gave them my spare mattresses to sleep on.

"No Tubbo, that's an ugly colour," Tommy said as he took the colour palette away from Tubbo.

"Then what's a nice colour to you?" Tubbo asked as he stood beside Tommy who was flipping through the colours.

"Here, this one. Plus it matches your whole bee aesthetic that you like," Tommy said as he pointed to a dark blackish wood.

He knew Tubbo so well, they were so lucky to have met each other online. I looked at them through the lens of the camera as I recorded their interaction.

Of course, this mature energy did not last for long. As I started to fill out their payment paperwork for them, they set the camera in the back and started having a pillow fight with the pillows that were put up for show on the beds.

"Okay, what's next," I asked as I took the camera back and started recording.

"We are going to get our tables!" Tubbo said excitedly as he walked in front of the camera.

"How much do you want to bet on him getting a bee themed set up?" Tommy said as he walked next to me with his hands in his pockets. I tilted up the camera towards him as the wind blew against his beautiful fluffy blond hair.

"Why would I bet on something that I would clearly lose?" I laughed and turned off the recording.

We got to the table store and started to look around at the tables and gaming chairs that they had in the store. Apparently the company that owned the store was sponsoring their purchase in exchange for a shoutout when they made their video.

"Oh to be so famous that people want to sponsor your lifestyle," I said longingly. I reached for a gaming chair that had a red, white and black pattern on it and sat down.

"You're literally a millionaire, you don't need sponsors. In fact you should be the one sponsoring us," Tubbo said as he looked around the small store. Tommy chuckled as he sat on a chair that had a mint green, light pink, and white colour pattern.

"Hey I think this is prett- WOAH," Tommy exclaimed in shock as he leaned back against the chair to test the recliner which went straight down 180°.

I quickly turned on the camera to capture the moment. Our laughter filled up the entire shop as Tommy struggled to make the back of the seat recline back upwards.

Before the boys left the shop after choosing their set ups, they filmed a short clip of them outside the shop to promote it.

"Okay boys, this video is sponsored by GodlyGaming, so do be sure to check them out if you're interested in getting a gaming chair or table!" Tommy said enthusiastically as Tubbo stood beside him with jazz hands pointing towards the shop's signboard.

We were finally done with all of the shopping, so we decided to show Tommy around a little. I brought him to an ice cream shop that I found, there was a girl who worked there that Tubbo very obviously fancied.

I pulled Tommy to go find a seat as I let Tubbo go order our ice creams. I always let him order just so that he had the chance to ask her out, but never ever plucked up the courage to do it.

"Hey, does he," Tommy said before I interrupted him by nodding and answering his question. His voice was so loud, I think even the girl could hear him from all the way at the counter.

"Here you go," Tubbo said as he held out two cones of ice cream. He was smiling very happily from his conversation with the girl.

Tommy and I reached for the same cone and our hands touched. It felt like an electric shock.

"Sorry, you first," we said in unison as we quickly retracted our hand. Tubbo stood there with his hand still held out towards us as we looked at each other.

"Come on lovebirds my hand is getting tired," Tubbo whined.

I smiled and took the cone out of his hand. Then I turned towards Tommy who seemed to be blushing, but I couldn't really tell as his jacket had a turtle neck effect.

"Cute," I said quiet enough for Tommy and Tubbo to not hear me.

1139 words

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