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YOU'RE USUALLY NOT THE TYPE OF PERSON TO CHASE AFTER A MAN. however, if he's an eighteen year old boy named iwaizumi hajime who almost always texts first and lets you purposely spell his name wrong, then you're willing to jog a little for him and only a little, just so you won't be late to his game.

"excuse me, no running in the hallways!"

okay, you're actually full on zooming, but can you blame yourself? you have about a minute before the match starts, and it's not like you wanted to do this anyway because running around in a tranquil hallway, with the soles of your feet slapping loudly against the floor, is quite possibly one of the most humiliating things to ever exist, even if there's no one else around to witness it. and in addition to that, you have no idea where you are in this giant maze of a school.

"hey, did you hear me? stop running!"

you, in fact, do not stop running, but you wish you did because despite your speedy sprint, or what the kid who wears only bright yellow and takes physical education class way too seriously would probably call a leisurely walk, you still arrive at seijoh's gymnasium late — three minutes late, to be exact — and completely out of breath.

leaning slightly on the heavy entrance doors for support, still in an exhausted daze from the useless exercise, you jump in surprise when you hear a loud smack! reverberate through the vast room as iwaizumi hajime — volleyball emoji, seijoh ace, hashtag-zero-four, oikawa sucks, less-than-three — spikes the ball over the net and onto the opposing team's side of the court, thus earning his team a point. it's silent for a moment afterwards — and then, a considerably loud cheer erupts from seijoh's side of the crowd.

"gaw-dayum," you mutter in awe, imitating a perfect bald old man accent. (not that there's really a difference between a bald old man accent and a not-bald old man accent; the baldness is just there for the visual.) "shiver me timbers."

just by watching and hearing iwaizumi's spike, you already know: high school volleyball sure is intense.


and you're right.

"iwa-chan, are you already tired? it's only the second set."

"shut up." iwaizumi exhales heavily, bending slightly with his hands on his knees to catch his breath for a few seconds. the second set is just about to start and currently, the opposing team is in the lead; if they take this set, they win the match. he has no patience for oikawa's remarks at the moment.

oikawa huffs, mumbling something along the lines of so mean, iwa-chan!, but iwaizumi pretends not to hear him and his whiny voice. ignoring oikawa is a nothing new for iwaizumi, but this time, he has a different reason for ignoring him — he's too busy focusing on something, or rather someone.

if he squints enough, he can see a tiny you watching from the stands. after making brief eye contact, you smile and wave timidly, to which iwaizumi responds with a shy wave back and a slight blush on his face (and surprisingly, oikawa does the smartest thing he's ever done and doesn't comment on it, knowing he'll definitely get a kick in the shin in return).

he hopes he doesn't mess up this set because that would be embarrassing (especially in front of his crush — that's hashtag-double-embarrassing).


"seijoh's doing pretty good," oikawa miyoko, a short and energetic university student who unfortunately happens to be tooru's older sister, says to you. you lean forward with your elbows on the railing to get a closer look.

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