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It was the coldest day of the year. She had no shelter what-so-ever yet she had still been through much worse pain. She had been traveling on foot in her natural furry, five foot tall primal form. Her golden furred wolf.

It had been two days since her last hunt and the uncharacteristic, animalistic growls had been proof of how irritatingly long it had been since she fed herself. Her wolf was in total control. Her humanity shoved to the back of her mind; a dark abyss she hated visiting.

She had been on the run for a while now since they had caught up with her. She was now crouching behind a large rock watching a deer feed on the edge of a cliff with no worries, thinking it was safe. She had it cornered and pounced as it had it's guard down.

After that she shifted into her human self despite the weather.

She bathed her pale skin into some sort of cleanlinessand washed her hair so it could resemble what it used to be. She was so focused on bathing herself that she had not heard the snap of a twig or the hiccup of a whimpering child. What she did hear although was the scream that made it's way through the throat of the child at the sight of a humongous ash brown wolf with red rimmed eyes in from of him.

The scream sent a shiver through her body and she immediately jumped into action. She was not one to play heroine but that scream...

She shifted into the safety of her golden wolf and growled at the rouge that threatened a small boy with an unnourished frame. This made her even more enraged.

"How fucking dare he! How could someone threaten such a child!" She thought.

"Don't worry, he will never get away with this!" A voice in her head replied. She knew that voice. She trusted it. It never steered her wrong. The beautiful melodic voice belonged to her wolf.

They pounced onto the rouge. They both ended up in a blurry revolving mess of fur as they tackled each other rolling around the ground. It had her beneath it, snarling at her face and just as it was about to make its final blow, she shifted into her human form whilst her claws and fangs remained. She dug her claws into its chest and dragged them deeper. The rouge howled in pain and she felt the hold it had on her weaken. She threw it off her body and got up and finished what she started. She crushed its throat with the heel of her foot. Once she was sure the rouge was dead she made her way towards the fear strickened boy.

She didn't say anything in fear that she would terrify him more than she had. Instead she looked at the boy, checking for injuries. Unfortunately for her, she had found numerous minor scratches and bruises littering his body. Even though the worn out blue shirt, which was acting as a dress on him covered up majority of his body, she knew there would be bruises underneath it.

Without saying a word, she sweeped him off his feet and into her arms. The boy tensed in her arms and tears sprung into his eyes, he thought she would drown him as they neared the river. She saw his panic.

"Hey, hey. I'm not going to hurt you okay?" She said trying to reassure him. That was the first time in weeks she had spoken, so that resulted in her sounding like a grumpy monster.

Instead of him crying even more, like she anticipated, he relaxed in her hold. Her voice sounding melodic and reassuring in his ears.

She climbed into the river making sure not to go too far from the river bank. Her once dry chocolate brown hair now wet once more but she didn't mind.

She bathed him without soap and managed just a bit of cleanliness. But that was enough for them. When they were drying off on the river's bank he surprised her by asking:

"I'm Elliot, what's your name?" He said in a shy, quiet voice. An embarrassed blush covering his cheeks.

A small smile played onto her lips. He didn't know even though he saw her infamous wolf and the colour of her eyes. The violet mixed with a dark blue. That was the colour of her eyes.


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