Malfoy Manor

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At the break of dawn the next morning, Ellie stood just outside the tent, feeling the crisp morning air hit her nose. She pulled her coat tighter to her body as she shivered in the cold.

Hermione emerged from the tent, her wand withdrawn from her pocket. She touched her hand to Ellie's chest and withdrew the golden necklace she had given from the inside of her shirt. The Gryffindor muttered an incantation as she waved her wand at the necklace, watching it sparkle slightly before returning to its normal state.

"A Protean Charm. It'll change when I need to contact you," Hermione stated as she tucked her wand back in her pocket. She took notice of her girlfriend's frosted cheeks and immediately removed her own shawl and placed it over Ellie's shoulders. The Hufflepuff thanked her, readjusting the bag slung over her shoulder.

"Don't look so glum, darling," Ellie soothed as she brought her hand to cup Hermione's cheek.

"Just stay safe, okay?" Hermione sighed, the tone of her voice expressing clear concern. Her eyes shifted to the finger where Ellie's ring usually sat and glanced back to her own, touching it lightly with her other hand.

"I'll be fine, I promise," Ellie reassured with a small smile. "I'll be back before sundown. Don't go about worrying about me all day, will you?"

Ellie stepped forward to close the gap between them, bringing her lips to latch onto Hermione's. She kissed gently, one of her hands pulling Hermione's waist closer. The kiss was painfully slow for Hermione as her thoughts raced with the possible dangers her girlfriend might go through. Ellie broke away for air, a smile toying at her lips. 

"Tell Ron and Harry I've found a lead. Don't tell them where I've gone, okay?"

Hermione nodded as her throat started to tighten. "Stay safe, darling. I love you."

"I love you more, Granger," Ellie countered as she stepped backwards, preparing herself for the travel.

The Hufflepuff sent one last smile, watching Hermione shift uneasily. Within a split second, Ellie recited 'Malfoy Manor' in her head, immediately apparating herself to her destination.

The manor was massive, its tall towers reaching the clouds. Its walls were aged with long vines that snaked around the cobblestone. A long bridge separated the gate from the front door, its towering fence locking Ellie out. The atmosphere was gloomy as dark clouds rolled in, covering the tops of the towers. Though the day had just begun, it seemed to be permanently dark, as if twilight had an ever-lasting role.

A tall figure started to walk towards her. His steps were quick, his blonde hair illuminated by the soft sun peeking between the clouds. His face was serious as he approached the Hufflepuff, his sullen eyes revealing sleep deprivation.

"Evans," Draco greeted through the other side of the gate. His hands rested on the handle but didn't make an effort to open it.

"Morning to you too, Draco. Open the gate please," Ellie responded as she raised an eyebrow at his still hand.

"No," the boy replied firmly. "You need to get away from this place. As far as you can."

"Draco, don't play with me. My father's waiting inside," Ellie reasoned as she attempted to reach around the railing to open the gate herself.

Draco took hold of her hand harshly, pushing it back through her side of the gate.

"Why are you here?" Draco questioned in a monotone voice.

"I was summoned. Your owl came to me, or Ron, to be exact. Same parchment, same seal."

"I never wrote anything. Come on, Evans, it's a shame you don't recognize my handwriting by now," Draco scoffed lightly.

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