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I AM SO SORRY!! I forgot to post a new chapter because I was having a bad headache for all the modules and exams and now even the teacher are asking for another project while I am enjoying for a semi break. I won't continue my concerns 'cuz I dearly love my readers 'cuz you made my day by reading this story.

Thank you for your patience, honestly, I hope you all didn't wait for long. Apparently, I have good news and bad news in this day forward.

After I post this story, I'll be taking a break till after new year, okay? I hope you all understand... and that's the bad news.

The good news is, after new year, I will be posting 6 chapters of Beloved Ladybug, that okay with you all? If so, then thank you so much but if you have a problem then pls PM me if you want to state your problem, I'll listen.

AND enough of this, please enjoy this new chapter to your heart's content.


When Damian had just return to the bat-cave, he was surprised that all of his brothers and father were still there. To add it up on his hidden shock. They were all eyeing on him.

Damian ignored them and began changing his suit to his usual clothes enjoying the silence until Jason ruined it.

"Where were you?" The ever prying idiot asks. Whelp, don't we all pry when we are curious?

"Nowhere." Damian grunted.

"Really, in 2 am? Alfred went to check on you but you weren't in your room. Now where were you?" His father said sternly, although he could hear his worry in his tone.

"Like I said, nowhere." After he was fully changed in his red jacket and black jeans he was about to leave until his eldest brother blocked his path.

"Damian... We asked you a question, answer them. We are worried about you." Dick said strictly yet concerned.

Damian only stared at them and stayed quiet till Tim broke the silence between them.

"Fine, go back to your room if you want. We will know eventually what you have been up to." This only made Damian scowled at him.

"Don't concern yourself into my business, you have no right for that. I don't have to report to you everything I do even the simplest thing."

Jason walked up to Damian, shadowing Damian's form in his buff body.

"Really... I heard Ivy saw you at the hotel 3 minutes ago. What were you doing there?"

Damian glared at him, "Shut up Todd. What I'm doing doesn't concern you!" He was raging.

"I know that... But you have been acting like an asshole today Damian! Do you want me to call Cass here? 'Cuz I sure hell I want to see your ass get beaten to get some sense into you!"

"I said shut up! You sound like a child Todd, it makes even more annoying than that ass clown!"

"No you sound like a child! You even act like a child right now! Damian... We..." Jason trailed off silent.

Damian could see him clenching his fist tightly.

"Fuck!" Jason stormed out from the bat-cave, frustrated.

The four behind only watched the second eldest left the cave without a word.

Bruce narrowed his eyes at Damian and stood.

"I believe your outing involves with that Agreste boy, is that right?" Bruce expected Damian to remain calm instead it made him shock at the response.

"What the fuck!? Are you spying on me? The fuck?! I don't any of you in my private business! I don't want any of you in it! Mother fucker! Fuck! My involvement with Agreste has nothing to do with any of you? What I do in a tiniest thing has nothing to do you fuckers!" Damian finally stopped took a big breathing between gasps.

Bruce, Dick and Tim stared at him shocked. He never cursed like that. Only Jason would curse like that. With Damian cursing like this must be very... He's hidind a very large secret.

"... Damian..." Bruce whispered.

"Don't..." Damian steadied his breathing and glared at his father so fiercely Bruce decided to quiet down his thoughts and questions.

Damian left the room without a word leaving behind Bruce, Dick and Tim.

Dick glanced worriedly at the door and then at Bruce.

"That was out of the line, we shouldn't have pressured him like that..." Dick sat on the nearest chair he saw, beginning scratching his nape.

"... Don't worry about that... Just focus on your tour in the morning. I'll have Damian join you."

"No. He has class today. Can't have him cutting class." Tim chuckled at that.

"You seem to forget that he has no class today. **** street's festival is today. The principal decided to give them a break to day and get back tomorrow." Tim continuously kept typing on the keyboard while giving a small glance at Bruce.

"Why don't you return back big B. You're too stress right now. When you and Damian calm down, you can talk your concerns.

Bruce gave him looks at Tim and nodded. Then he left the room to his bedroom to get rid of his stress.

The two sons eyed their father when finally out of their sight and the door finally shut, the two looked at each other with grave expressions.

"Have you got what I ask for?" Tim nodded and clicked on the icon, then it showed many pictures of a girl near age as Damian.

"My god..."

Tim sips on his plain black coffee.

"Yeah, Bruce would totally adopt her if he sees this." Tim said.

Dick could only watch this silently, unable to form words till something draw him from the pictures of the girl.

"Wait, wait! Click on that!" He quickly speak up, pointing at the covered grayed image behind.

Tim followed on and click on it. What they witness when the image fully screened on the computer was utter horrifying.


CCTVs had shown the female teenager went outside from the fabric store and crossed the road with a broken traffic lights and was hit brutally and grotesquely by a moving truck. Her body was thrown at the side of the road. The impact from the hit caused the teenager's body having broken knee bones on both legs, arms are unimaginably slightly skinned and bent due to the body's landing harshly on the pavement. The female seems to be having an internal bleeding and broken ribs that pierce through the outer skin and finally multiple scratches on the forehead.

The identity of the victim has been closed at the request of the young Damian Wayne for personal reason.


Dick and Tim stared at the article and the image on the computer, speechless.

"By the gods..."


"Poor girl... I will take those pathetic fools for making you suffer..." A woman with pearl skin, eyes like a bluebells with lips lightly pink like the carnations, a signature midnight hair long like as Rapunzel's golden hair on the tower, flowing like the water on a gentle stream.

"Ah... You look as exactly like me... So stunning... My dear Marinette..."


I Love You My Dear Readers.


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